Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! The floor of year back at me has appeared small pryshchik on breeches...

04.07.2004, 05:51
The dear doctor! The floor of year back at me has appeared small pryshchik on a breech, then has grown and became similar to a wart, thus there was no burning sensation, absolutely painlessly, in couple of weeks there was one more, too all over again was small, but has grown. Now them 4 pieces also grow one more. Prompt what to do or make please. On a kind they dense, pink, 4 5 mm. In diameter.

Michael (dermatovenerolog, kand. Honey. Sciences)
05.07.2004, 18:16
This or Thus is possible or probable one of virus diseases of a skin a molluscum, ostroknechnye kondillomy...?) it is difficult to tell or say, proceeding from your description. Concepts "pryshchik" in dermatology are not present. Is better seem to the dermatologist internally.