Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, I in a panic! The cousin with whom we infrequently communicate, has a bouquet kozhny...

It is lovely
28.06.2004, 03:57
The doctor, I in a panic! The cousin with whom we infrequently communicate, has a bouquet of dermal diseases. A chronic old fungus on arms or hand and legs or foots, an eczema, and now also demodekoz have revealed. Treatment of the cousin - on its or his conscience. A question: how to secure itself against an infection??? Whether butter or oil of a tea tree as prophylaxis from demodeksa can serve? Whether visiting pool where so it is a lot of bleaching powder Will help or assist, what even flies die from it or her? Can if to soak itself in pool, and the tick or mite will die? And more: the ultraviolet helps or assists? (we live in the south of the Russian Federation, here the sun burning the year round). Thanks!

Sazykina L.N.
01.07.2004, 00:13
Calm down, demodekoz is not infectious disease. Keep usual rules of personal hygiene and care of a skin of the face.