Просмотр полной версии : Hello. My problem has arisen for a long time, nearby 2 h years back. At me on...

27.06.2004, 18:50
Hello. My problem has arisen for a long time, nearby 2 h years back. I on a cheek had an outgrowth of color of a skin, the doctor has told or said, what is it the good-quality keratoma and to treat it or her it is not necessary. Then outgrowths became more and there were they on some features series in a zone of a cheek and podborotka. Other doctor could tell or say nothing and has registered to me the talker from spots. The third doctor, after the laboratory analysis, has diagnosed demodekoz and has registered treatment. Spots after that treatments became less (I am flied or treated it is already hollow year), and the status of a skin has considerably improved, but here outgrowths continue to appear, they have already located on a nose and a forehead. The doctor speaks, that, probably, this consequence demodekoza. I have noticed, that these outgrowths appear near to next, are as though made multiple copies. Here so 2 h than years I already am more go on doctors, I read the various literature, trying to find something similar, but results are not present. Can at you there is an opinion in this occasion? Advise me, please, where and to itself to address in this occasion. Thanks.

Sazykina L.N.
30.06.2004, 14:32
Keratomas and "spots" absolutely different things. Can be it is a question of flat warts? I can advise only to you services of dermatologists of our Center, ph. 284 21 87 (Moscow).