Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte! At me on a leg or foot, on goline, red color a hollow with blisters or blebs...

27.06.2004, 21:08
Zdrastvujte! At me on a leg or foot, on goline, red color the hollow with blisters or blebs, from them exudes a liquid. On a leg or foot an edema. Suspected that what is it an erypsipelas, but treatment not pomaglo. HELP or ASSIST HRISTORADI!

Albanova V.I.
28.06.2004, 16:19
It, more likely, an eczema. To be treated it is necessary at the dermatologist both internal, and external agents. Now do or make cold lotions with broth of green tea, grease with ointment Hyoxysonum.