Просмотр полной версии : Zdravstujte! You could not prompt me what to do or make. The daughter (11 years) obozhg...

27.06.2004, 13:02
Zdravstujte! You could not prompt me what to do or make. The daughter (11 years) has burnt boiled water a breast (a site of a skin pribizitelno 4 sm in height 2, 5 width) glories to the God boiled water has not got on papilla. From a small site at once tear a skin, and for the morning has appeared, as well as it is necessary a blister. We at once have spread a combustion of jelly Solkoseril. What, except for or instead of Solkoserila you could recommend and how you think, whether the combustion on this place is fraught with any else consequences? In advance to you it is grateful

Sazykina L.N.
27.06.2004, 18:13
The bubble needs to be pierced sterile shpritsevoj a needle. It is possible to use Pantenol, ointment of Calendulae, Stizamet, Redetsil, metiluratsilovuju ointment, Aktovegin.