Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me a problem. It was all over again at my sister, then at mum...

16.06.2004, 07:15
Hello! At me a problem. It was all over again at my sister, then at mum, now at me. Kotur labiums starts to grow coarse, then to be shelled and very unpleasant sensation. No butters or oils and hygienic lipsticks help or assist. And everyones of a cream with vitamins too. What is it? And how it is possible to cure? Thanks! Very much I look forward to hearing.

16.06.2004, 20:28
Here! At me occurs or happens too most during last 3 months. And I am am excited too with this problem. I too look forward to hearing

17.06.2004, 04:06
At me too most!!! Vaselinum and that not on long helps or assists only... I do not know what to do or make... And more - eyes cheshutsja.... I wash out tea but... Tell or Say what is it? speak that there can be a climate does not approach or suit... It can be??????

17.06.2004, 18:09
Similar, loktor about us has forgotten. - to an occasion of eyes, it can kakja--that an infection? Did not go to the ophthalmologist, modet any antibacterial drops will approach or suit. Or it can an allergy. More shortly, it is possible to descend or go from mind or wit, to me with labiums has simply bothered. Vaselinum helps or assists a maximum on an hour. Here something not that. And I am afraid, that suddenly it iz-for a bad bionomics and us already to do or make nothing. WHERE DOCTORS????? Help or assist! PLEASE!!!

18.06.2004, 23:48
I do not know will help or assist, but I too had an ecdysis and to me have advised liquid vitamin A, smear those places, where problems. Try or taste, can also to you will help or assist.

20.06.2004, 11:10
As to vitamin A that is valid pomagaet. He is on sale sometimes in such yellow liquid globules in Drugstores. Simply you pierce and you smear where to be shelled there.

21.06.2004, 04:15
If use vitamin A undoubtedly it is better to use liquid, " Retinolum palmitat " it is better than " Retinolum of an acetate ", he more qualitatively and helps or assists better! Those problems which you describe I has cured it or him!

22.06.2004, 06:56
I went to the dermatologist. She has told or said, what is it an allergic cheilitis. Has told or said to adhere to a diet excluding all allergens, and to grease labiums with natural Adeps (I use Vaselinum). To not use cosmetics. 5 6 days to drink Klaritin, 4 days - ointment Flucinarum. In general I esteemed in an Internet, not so that simply it is treated. And at me it has begun with reaction to a dust.

Albanova V.I.
23.06.2004, 00:11
The doctor about you has not forgotten, I simply was in holiday. Your disease really is called as a cheilitis, can be allergic, and can depend on disturbances of an exchange and even from shortage of vitamins. Try to apply ointment Radevit, she contains Retinolum palmitat. But it only a provisional measure, is necessary as well internal treatment, and it depends on the reason. Come, we shall understand, 284 21 87