Просмотр полной версии : At me red maculae on a long finger, passing to a brush. Itchs and shelush...

11.06.2004, 22:36
At me red maculae on a long finger, passing to a brush. Itchs and is shelled. Presumably it is allergic reaction to hot water. But can and is not present. Some years have begun for a long time. I drink Diazolinum and I smear lokoidom.

Tarasova E.A.
15.06.2004, 07:14
In what your question consists?

15.06.2004, 19:01
Question such: what dermal disease is possible or probable at me. In family nobody has caught it or this. That I drink and than I smear does not help or assist. Temporarily the itch passes or takes place, but maculae grows. Can will advise than to treat.

Ivanov V.V.
17.06.2004, 14:50
Do not tighten or Delay with treatment - probably that disease infectious - the exact diagnosis is necessary - phone to me phone in Moscow (095)
262 - 15 90 It in district of Red hiluses or I shall arrive to you.
The candidate of medical sciences
Vitaly Viktorovich Ivanov
There are ointments - a site www. severzapad. ru/ivanov