Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, tell or say, please, that at me with a skin. Now I have caught a cold, the doctor...

15.06.2004, 06:37
The doctor, tell or say, please, that at me with a skin. Now I have caught a cold, the doctor has diagnosed ORVI. I accept Biseptolum, Bromhexinum, Ambrogeksal and Paracetamolum. In three days after the beginning of treatment on a skin have appeared itching or pruritic giperemirovannye educations. In general the skin normal, but costs or stands slightly poteret any site of a body as appear such educations, similar that are formed after hypodermic injections. After a while they by itself disappear. What is it can be? On an allergy I do not think, as all preparations are accepted by me any more for the first time, similar displays earlier never was. Thanks! OLEG

Smirnov K.V.
16.06.2004, 13:37
Without survey to answer your question it is impossible. Do not tighten or delay on a visit to the dermatologist. If you live in Moscow - my contact bodies: 8 910 417 41 70. Konstantin Viktorovich.