Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the Doctor! Help or assist to get rid of acnes please. After that...

13.06.2004, 18:02
Hello, the Doctor! Help or assist to get rid of acnes please. After 8 months nvzad I have made reinforcing by gold strings on area of cheeks and a chin at me internal acnes on a chin began to appear, to me and time of teenage acnes for a long time has passed or has taken place 38 years. Acnes appear in the form of red shishek and do not pass or take place week. All it looks or appears awfully not beautifully, and sometimes there is simply a boring in the form of red specks too on a chin, after use of ointment "TSelestoderm" in 3 4 days passes or takes place. I am already tired to struggle with all this disgrace. I hope for your help.
Thankful in advance for the answer. Elena.

Albanova V.I.
14.06.2004, 17:08
Come, I shall help or assist. 284 21 87