Просмотр полной версии : Hello! One year ago, after sunburn, on the face, in district of the left temple, poja...

Marrying, 37
04.06.2004, 11:23
One year ago, after sunburn, on the face, in district of the left temple, has appeared slightly convex brown pegmentnoe maculae. First was practically imperceptible, but then has started to expand. The cosmetician has removed the laser, having removed or having taken off verzhny a layer. Next day around ranki attributes of an inflammation, the beginning were showed, the temperature periodically raises or increases.
Prompt what to do or make? Thanks.

Sazykina L.N.
08.06.2004, 11:11
Inflammatory reaction always happens, ranevuju poverzhnost it is necessary to process solutions of aniline stains or a dark solution of manganese. If something disturbs you, see a doctor repeatedly.