Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist, the friend has caught is deprived. On the Internet mass of kinds lishaev, on about...

04.06.2004, 16:28
Help or Assist, the friend has caught is deprived.
On the Internet mass of kinds lishaev, under the description it is similar on shearing - arises
So: it would be desirable to scratch, the person scratches and there and then a skin in this place vzduvaetsja,
stanositsja in size with copeck and in the center there are flakes. Further a scabies
Passes or Takes place.
The doctor from an out-patient department has appointed or nominated a cycle - an iodine and in 3 hours Unguentum sulfuratum of 5 days.
Maculae prizhglos, has recovered or not - is not clear. Further the doctor has told or said to smear
Unguentum Zinci.

But just for the fifth day this infection has jumped out in other place, on an arm or a hand with
Other party or side from the first.

How he is transferred or carried? Whether there Are at it or him roots, as at a wart, whether that is it,
That all body is infected and it will jump up and up all in new
Places? How to save a head?

What more good agents are?

New settlers V.S.
06.06.2004, 03:58
Fungic or Fungal illnesses or diseases to which concerns including shearing deprive it is necessary to treat not independently, and at the doctor after laboratory acknowledgement or confirmation of illness or disease. Call: 799 82 39.

07.06.2004, 08:08
It agree with the dear doctor. Without results of the analysis treatment looks or appears simply absurd. On deprive to described attributes not so similar (an itch, an inflation of a skin). But if it is really shearing deprive to be treated better by Griseofulvinum - he fine helps or assists despite of small cost (within the limits of 20 roubles). Advertised lamizil though and imet there are less than contraindications, almost at all does not help or assist. Deprive for 5 days never will pass or take place - he is very artful. We, for example, were treated about 3 months (was about 40 centers).