Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the Doctor! You could not give me minute of your attention....

04.06.2004, 06:11
Hello, the Doctor! You could not give me minute of your attention. In November, 2000 I have started to drink orungal on a method puls-therapies (at me on the big toe 50 % of a fingernail have been amazed or struck by a fungus). The last 2 packings Orungala of a propyl in January 2001. Now September and at me on this fingernail gde-that of 2 3 mm. It is still amazed or struck by a fungus. It means that I was helped or assisted by treatment? It is necessary to drink again orungal? For me it is unprofitable in the financial plan.

Michael (dermatovenerolog, kand. Honey. Sciences)
05.06.2004, 09:07
In general, orungal accept up to otrastanija a healthy part of a fingernail (at times up to 6 8 mes). Hand over for the beginning the analysis on mushrooms (a material for research from a fingernail). Besides orungala apply a set to treatment of fingernails or nails mikospor (the instruction is applied).

Smirnov K.V.
06.06.2004, 16:35
Dear Light, efficiency of monotherapy "orungalom" is high enough, but does not reach or achieve 100 %. Most likely to you just also has not carried. To solve the problem on further tactics of treatment it is better on reception at the dermatologist (with carrying out microscopical isledovanija). Address to doctor Novoselovu C. (799 82 39). To be engaged in a selftreatment categorically I do not advise.
P. S. It do not agree with Michael's statement about necessity of reception of a preparation during all time otrastanija a nail plate. "Orungal" apply under the truncated schemes or plans, t. To. After the termination or ending of reception of a preparation he it is long it is saved in a fingernail.