Просмотр полной версии : Please, prompt an agent from warts on early (if I correctly...

24.05.2004, 10:26
Please, prompt an agent from warts on early (if I correctly understand) to a stage. A wart on a palm.

Albanova V.I.
28.05.2004, 01:59
If palms do not sweat, it is possible to apply Verrukatsid, Pheresolum, Solkoderm. If sweat, it is better to remove in the medical center, it is possible in ours, 284 21 87

31.05.2004, 12:52
Painfully to look, how nice women balzakovskogo age suddenly start to become covered by ugly warts. At me with the wife began too most. But there is simple and effective, on an early mode of formation of a wart, an agent. As soon as appears itching or pruritic pryshchik with shining or brilliant seredinkoj, I at once cauterize in the way. As I am concrete it I do or make I shall respond in detail by mail. But an agent absolutely safe, unlike powerful or potent cauterizing structures and during too time effective enough. At my chief on the right arm or hand on a palm a greater or big wart. Understand, that it is necessary to greet hand shake. More shortly few times this disgrace began and at me. So I have checked up this prescription and on personal experience.