Просмотр полной версии : Prompt pozhalusta what to do or make! Earlier at me on a labium cold jumped up...

29.05.2004, 07:21
Prompt pozhalusta what to do or make!
Earlier at me on a labium cold or a herpes, I neznaju, yearly jumped up! Now it occurs or happens even more often! I use a cream gerpevir, but all the same it is muck she keeps about 2 weeks and here again, a pancake! Prompt that it is possible to make that will recover or hotjaby as soon as possible leshitsja it not beauty on a labium?
In advance thanks

29.05.2004, 10:34
Still there is a prescription - to smear for the night as soon as jumps up, with sulfur from an ear. Too helps or assists effectively, but here it is important to not pass or miss moment-to not start, and that raztsvetet....

Albanova V.I.
31.05.2004, 01:29
The reason - in bad immunity. It is necessary to accept Polyvitaminums and separately vitamin A (Retinolum palmitat in butter or oil on 10 drops for the night - 1, 5 months). Naruzhno - since the first minute as sweep up or will notice, 4 7 times a day ointment Atsiklovir or analogues