Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, please, everyone vesnu/the summer about 10 years at me appears...

28.05.2004, 00:23
Tell or Say, please, everyone vesnu/the summer about 10 years at me appears on the face and arms or hand (the open sites) reddenings which are scratched, then there is an eruption, I consider or count, what is it from the sun and before an output or exit on street I am smeared sun-protection kremom-pomagaet, but have bothered, I wish to know the reason of this my problem. To the doctor went, he speaks mazhtes a cream and go in panamkei (?). In advance thanks

Gamajunov B.N.
30.05.2004, 20:30
There is a whole group of diseases connected with a hypersensibility to a sunlight - photodermatoses. Probably at you photoallergic reaction. Use a photoprotective cream, have a drink Aevitum on 1 kaps. 2 r. d, use more V-Carotinum, for example, drink more often carrots juice. Well also seem to the dermatologist.