Просмотр полной версии : Good evening, Victor Serafimovich. At me such question. I handed over analyses (m...

25.05.2004, 12:57
Good evening, Victor Serafimovich. At me such question. I handed over analyses (smears on a microflora from a vagina, the cervical channel and a urethra), in a urethra the staphilococcus epidermidis 10^6 and enterobakter aerogenes 10^6) is found out. Except for that handed over the analysis on a dysbacteriosis of an intestine, following pathogenic microorganisms have been found out: esherihii 40 %, gemoralizirujushchaja kish.palochka 35 %, a golden staphilococcus 10^5, kandida 10^4, enterobakter 10^8, enterokokk 10^8, and also laktozonegativ. Something (precisely I do not remember that). Has been appointed or nominated Intetriks within 7 days (since on Tetracyclinums, is more exact on a doxycycline, at me an allergic eruption). Tell or say, the preparation is how much correctly picked up, whether he operates or works on these microorganisms? C.

26.05.2004, 06:50
... And whether will be 7- a day time course enough to get rid of all it or this? (I remember you to me advised Tetracyclinums in even 1 month). Naturally after Intetriksa I shall continue treatment of a dysbacteriosis, all over again Smektoj, then Bifikolom, then Lineksom). Yours faithfully. Thanks.

New settlers V.S.
27.05.2004, 11:35
Dear JUlja, on how much the preparation is picked successfully up will show result of repeated research, however to accept a preparation 12-15 days follow. I wish health