Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte! Prompt that it is necessary to accept (to prick nyxes) from striguchego l...

21.05.2004, 11:11
Prompt that it is necessary to accept (to prick nyxes) from striguchego depriving. Than to process an apartment.

The anonym
22.05.2004, 08:00
First of all to clean or remove an animal, from which zarazilich. At random to be treated it is impossible, be not too lazy to come off a computer and to inform the to the priest to dematologu.

22.05.2004, 19:35
At us the dermatologist cannot distinguish a chicken pox from a urticaria.
All treats zelenkoj so to it or him;them I shall not go. Or whether it is necessary to go to Moscow chto-? In veterinarke have made the analysis to a cat and have told or said deprive. I have bought or purchased a vaccine "Vakderm" and I do or make by it or him nyxes.
And now I need to know than me to treat and an apartment than to spray.

Albanova V.I.
23.05.2004, 23:13
If deprive only on a body it is possible to be limited to ointments if hair it is necessary to accept tablets inside are amazed or struck. And processing needs to be spent a vacuum cleaner and chlorine-containing preparations of type Domestosa or the Comet.