Просмотр полной версии : Uv. The doctor, at me here what question: To the child 10 yj month. Is small...

17.05.2004, 01:07
Uv. The doctor, at me here what question:
To the child 10 yj month. There is a small diathesis.
Earlier handed over the analysis on a dysbacteriosis, all in norm or rate.
Showed the dermatologist. The doctor has told or said to put into the child a diet. Now our delivery the following:
- 9.00 admixture "Frisomel" 200.
- 12.30 - a porridge (oat or rice 180.) + compote from green apples "Grenni"
16.00 - a vegetable meat mashed potatoes (a potato + tsv. Cabbage + meat) 180 200. +
19.30 - cottage cheese + a buckwheat cereal (80 90) + a sour-milk admixture
22.30 - an admixture "Frisomel" 200.
And the diathesis all the same is. And porridges and vegetables I cook itself, t. To. From banok and boxes to us the doctor has forbidden to eat iz-for presence in them of vitamin C.
I smear with the talker, passes or takes place. I cease to smear - can appear again.
What to do or make? Whether Correctly I feed the child. Can, I feed it or him not and not with those products. I in the childhood was ill or sick with a diathesis. It is necessary to hand over what analyses still? The diathesis on any of the listed products Can at it or him???

Albanova V.I.
17.05.2004, 12:38
Try to exclude in general milk or dairy products, having replaced them on soya or from kozego milk. And products from jars are it is possible, if there is no proved allergy on vitamin additives. It is possible to buy products without additives.

18.05.2004, 21:41
Soya, you have in view of soya admixtures???

Albanova V.I.
20.05.2004, 12:52