Просмотр полной версии : Hello! The problem a little bit unpleasant, can, therefore I do not go to the doctor...

20.05.2004, 01:56
Hello! The problem a little bit unpleasant, can, therefore I do not go to the doctor internally. Years 10 12 on maculae rasping sites are formed. At first sight, it is simple ogrubevaet a skin (and on places on these or it), but any pumice to not manage. I cut off an edge literally on centimeter (in thickness), and through nedelku all on new. Kak-familiar (doctor) has asked that: " At you not an actinomycosis? " I "have hushed up" a subject. It is valid he? How to treat and whether it is necessary?

Sazykina L.N.
20.05.2004, 09:22
Your friend has obviously got excited with an actinomycosis. Possibly, it is a question of a keratodermia (disturbance of a keratinization of a skin). It would Be necessary to seem to the dermatologist.