Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Whether prompt, please, can help or assist and whether it is possible to apply...

15.05.2004, 21:16
Whether prompt, please, can help or assist and whether it is possible to apply to treatment and elimination ugrevoj eruptions on a forehead and temples at the girl of 15 years Skinoren, Zinerit, Oksi 5, 10?
Whether there are at them by-effects?
Or can, will advise something drugou?

Sazykina L.N.
16.05.2004, 13:24
It is possible. Begin with Zinerita and 5. Though, would be more correct to begin with internal consultation of the dermatologist. protivougrevyh now it is a lot of agents and the choice of a preparation will depend on clinical displays, prevalence of those or others ugrevyh elements and so forth

20.05.2004, 01:15
Good afternoon!
Many thanks for the answer.
If it is possible, respond how to use, please, these preparations (Zinerit and 5), in sense - simultaneously or alternating or interleaving.