Просмотр полной версии : Prompt, please, where it is possible to find in Moscow good (!!!) the dermatologist...

03.05.2004, 12:19
Prompt, please, where it is possible to find in Moscow good (!!!) dermatologav North-the western district?

Albanova V.I.
07.05.2004, 02:09
Kak-that good dermatologists at us on districts are not distributed or allocated

Ivanov V.V.
08.05.2004, 11:24
Phone to me phone in Moscow (095)
262 - 15 90 It in district of Red hiluses or I shall arrive to you.
The candidate of medical sciences
Vitaly Viktorovich Ivanov
There are ointments - a site www. severzapad. ru/ivanov