Просмотр полной версии : Zdravstvuite! Kak mozhno vyvesti borodavki? Zaranee spaibo....

05.05.2004, 13:51
Zdravstvuite! Kak mozhno vyvesti borodavki? Zaranee spaibo.

The doctor honey. V.I.Kochenov's sciences.
06.05.2004, 00:15
Read about a wart on kriol. boom. ru It papillomavirusnye good-quality tumours. A wart ordinary - a place of an input or entrance of a virus of a papilloma in an organism. She the nature prednazhnachena for that. chstoby the virus prapillomy in huge kolichestvyah in her was multiplied and then has missed on all organism. Thus the wart can disappear. Therefore boroldavki from nepovrezhdavjushchego treatments (plot and any other attachments of that nibud) at wear disappearance or eradication harm, a virus misses. But other tumours - papillomas, condylomas, arise from these viruses then in the course of time, and any localization. And a virus of a papilloma - present or true oncogenous, he causes then and a cancer of any localization. SEE shahatana. ru