Просмотр полной версии : One year ago the rough skin has noticed, that on one elbow, thought, what is it zasta...

Tatyana Smelaja
01.05.2004, 20:21
One year ago the rough skin has noticed, that on one elbow, thought, what is it the chronic skin and tried to clean or remove by rasparivanija, applications pilingovyh agents, oil wrappings.. But alas, nothing has helped or assisted.. Has addressed to the dermatologist, she has uttered indistinctly something muffled about age (48 years) and has written out Lorinden-A.Effekt zero!!! I very well understand, that "age" (irrespective of digits) is the most widespread diagnosis at our doctors.. But can be, someone knows also other reasons.. And in general, what is it? In fact one elbow (on the fold, on an edge cannot..) to be simply rough neither from that nor from this.. P. S. Yes, the problem of hygiene disappears.

Albanova V.I.
04.05.2004, 14:22
It is not necessary so to be nervous and abuse doctors, probably, on one small center uneasy to diagnose. If there is no reddening and an itch, try to apply ointment Radevit for the night under a slice of cellophane and a bandage.