Просмотр полной версии : Fungic or Fungal disease of fingernails or nails

The blonde
30.01.2004, 18:43
At my husband the fungus on arms or hand and legs or foots and is enough zapudennom a status. To him have registered orungal. This medicine helps or assists with 100 percent or interests cases? I heard, that it is very harmful. Whether the truth it? What complications can be?

31.01.2004, 00:45
Side effect

From system of digestion: often - a dyspepsia, a nausea, abdominal pains, a constipation; rising of activity of hepatic enzymes, a cholestatic icterus, a hepatitis are possible or probable an anorexia, obratimoe; on occassion - a toxic lesion of a liver, including cases of an acute hepatic failure with a lethal outcome.
From TSNS and peripheric nervous system: the headache, fatigability, a giddiness, a peripheric neuropathy are possible or probable.
From sexual system: disturbances of a menstrual cycle are possible or probable.
From mochevydelitelnoj systems: giperkreatininemija, a staining wet in dark color.
From a metabolism: edemas, a hyperpotassemia.
From cardiovascular system: the congestive or stagnant heart failure and a fluid lungs are possible or probable.
Allergic reactions: the itch, an eruption, a urticaria, a Quincke's disease, Stevens-Johnson's syndrome are possible or probable.
Dermatologic reactions: the alopecia is possible or probable.

In therapy it is possible to add Lotseril - a varnish - efficiency of treatment (full treatment) will increase on 25-30 %.
At a lesion only a nail plate it is possible to use one lotserilom.