Просмотр полной версии : Yellowish shade of a skin

01.05.2003, 11:16
The doctor with what it is connected a yellowish shade of a skin, especially brushes of arms or hand, biochemistry of a blood and hepatic assays in norm or rate? I had an assumption of a carrots icterus, but any more do not drink juice some months, and color to me it seems only hardly has turned pale.

Rastorguev D.V.
02.05.2003, 04:48
Please, result or bring concrete results of analyses.
Probably, you nedoobsledovany. Yellowish color of a skin can be at endocrine frustration, application of some medicines, cosmetic agents, some intoxications, at an attrition, pregnancy. Passing utoshchenie skins with a yellowish shade, especially on palms, I observed and at practically healthy people (often in the given cases homeopathic medicine Silitseja has been shown). Other reasons are possible or probable also.
It is necessary for you to address to the doctor (for example, to the doctor-homeopathist) for specification of the diagnosis and, probably, for treatment). So proof prokrashivanie Carotinum of carrots juice it seems to me improbable.
If you wrote it about a cloelithiasis, that, possibly, it is necessary to hand over repeatedly a blood on a bilirubin.

The visitor
23.06.2005, 01:21
Skin of yellowish color from that is not visible a pink blush. After douche he is observed. At delivery onalizov have told or said, that in a blood lowered gemoglabin, at a trace. To delivery of analyses in other hospital have told or said nothing. In the winter in visitings with iskustvennym illumination or coverage the skin gets zalenovatyj a shade. At mum a similar skin. It is treated or what that hereditary? I do not wait that to me will tell or say the exact diagnosis, but can that that priblezitelnoe will prompt?

Rastorguev D.V.
23.06.2005, 20:42
Most likely, it is your feature of a skin which you have inherited from mother. If doctors have not revealed any illness or disease and to be treated it is not necessary.