Просмотр полной версии : Treatment by a prana (ekstrasensornoe treatment)

16.10.2004, 16:11
How here concern to ekstrasensornomu to treatment?

18.10.2004, 21:05
As to shamanizmu:)

19.10.2004, 11:17
Brahman, depends that you name " ekstrasensornym treatment ":D

19.10.2004, 15:22
Voobshcheto I have explained. I can explain still. On a body of all alive essences the world or global energy named by yogas - a prana proceeds. Because of wrong distribution of the given energy in a body there are illnesses or diseases. Some people are capable to operate or control the given energy, and to bring correction in its or her distribution in a body, that to adjust correct job of a sick organism.

12.11.2004, 16:18
Dear Brahman, and the prana has what value or meaning;importance to ekstrasensorike, i.e. supersensitivity?

13.11.2004, 13:42
Anaconda, understand, many terms receive some other value or meaning;importance in the further. For example, the telepathy is transfer hurt on rastojanie, and at all do not think. Pervonochalno this term concerned to the phenomena when rodstvenik felt illness or disease of the rodstvenika, for example Mendeleyev uvidil in a dream of hardly ill father (it not that case when he has dreamed of the table). In the further the term has received wider value or meaning;importance.
What attitude or relation has supersensitivity at pranicheskom treatment?.. The most direct, the psychic should define or determine not correct distribution in an organism of a prana, what subsequently vostonavit its or her correct distribution.

16.11.2004, 07:47
Dear Brahman, you have not answered a question.
Value or Meanings;Importance of the standard words for one person one, and for another absolutely others. With it or this I with you agree. But what attitude or relation has supersensitivity to treatment, and has not understood. Explain, plz, if Could you . I think, that the one who has such supersensitivity, first of all it is obliged to borrow or occupy in resetting, its or her redistribution in own organism and definition of a direction of its or her movement and transvormatsii. Before to begin to treat others, it is necessary to learn to operate or control the organism and its or his prana. There can be it and can help or assist to render salutary effect of presence of the counterbalanced prana sverhchevstvitelnogo the person on a status of the patient or with disturbance of balance of a prana of the person.
Can at you there is other assumption?

17.11.2004, 10:39
Dear the Anaconda and from what you have taken, that the healer should not be able to operate or control or neumeet to operate or control a prana in the organism. If he of it or this is not able, he and to another helps or assists can to nothing. Just in Yoga snachalo the person studies to operate or control a prana in the organism, and then in other. I repeat, that for management of a prana in other organism it is necessary to define or determine its or her wrong distribution (for this purpose and it is necessary supersensitivity), what to distribute or allocate it or her correctly. In the organism it is possible to direct or refer a prana to sick organs as in them it or her it is usual nehvataet.

19.11.2004, 15:07
Dear Brahman, objasnie, plz how it is possible to define and distribute or determine and distribute;define and allocate;determine and allocate a prana in an another's organism?:-)

20.11.2004, 15:25
Dear the Anaconda (I in a correct floor or field address?), I shall try to respond.
The prana has as though the second essence, proceeding through various layers of a matter, the prana causes radiation from them which can be revealed various methods.
The person perceives information more, than reaches its or his consciousness. But there are methods by means of which the given information can be taken". I name one of the methods, similar lozoiskatelstvu.
The person holds in the arm or hand a framework (the bent 1, 2 spoke the letter). The framework is the shortly party or side or in the handle, or not in strongly compressed fist, or not in strongly clamped fingers. The long party or side lays on horizon.
The person approaches or suits gradually to another, with that idea, that the framework will turn on "border" of a field (aura) of the person. At a sufficient practice it occurs or happens, i.e. vnesoznatelnye the centers of the person I force to reduce imperceptibly for the person myshtsi its or his arms or hand and to cause or call turn of a framework.

The more the field, the is more than prana in the certain site of a body.
Fields define or determine on several points and aproksimirujut value or meanings;importance.

There is a form of aura of the healthy person, this egg directed by the acute extremity or end downwards and blunt upwards.
On disturbance of the form of aura from this "egg" judge wrong distribution of a prana in an organism.

22.11.2004, 18:46
Dear Brahman, you have described a modern method "lozoiskatelstva". Is remembered, came across on eyes of the description ancient lozohodstva where the branch of a wood nut or a willow for definition of a place covered klada or close located to a surface of the ground of a underground source was used. The long branch which has been cut off by an acute subject (any, except for metal) in the certain day of year and hour of day, in an arm or a hand lozohodtsa showed him, deviating the free flexible or floppy extremity or end, a required place. Metal "framework" in the ancient descriptions of this sort met by me ekstrasensornoj activity it was not mentioned. More likely on the contrary, was considered, that use of metal in such researches only harms to success. Even the branch was forbidden for cutting off a metal knife or an axe.

I shall cite A.V.Alekseeva's book " Myself to overcome ":
" In the middle of 19 centuries it is independent from each other known French chemist Shevrel and well-known English physicist Faradej have done similar experience. Repeat it or him everyone can. It is necessary to take a usual thread in length about meter, to adhere to its or her one extremity or end gruzik in weight of 5-15 grams (for example, a ringlet, small kljuchik, vintik or carnations), and other extremity or end to reel up on last fold of an index finger of the leader (right - at right-handed persons, left - at lefthanders) arms or hand. To reel up so that distance between a finger and gruzikom was approximately 70-80.
After that it is necessary to extend a direct arm or hand before itself at a level of a brachium and urasnovesit a load. And then, having concentrated attention to a hanging subject, m y with l e n n about to present, that he starts to be shaken, as a pendulum: from left to right, from right to left. First it is weak, and then all is stronger. And it is literally in some seconds a load really comes to movement. Movement can be changed - to present, that the load dvizhetnja forward-back or rotates on a circle. And he starts to move on the trajectory set by an idea.
Why so occurs or happens? Because visualization about movement automatically generates in corresponding or meeting muscles hardly appreciable reductions and relaxations and as a result the person to and to y irrespective of the consciousness would start to carry out that movement which he has mentally presented. Approximately these microprocesses in muscles are not always appreciable. But they are fixed easily and precisely with special devices. And in experience with a hanging load these micromovements are visible and with open years.
Such processes which in the form of mental representations, or, speaking in other words, in the form of and d e j, are born in consciousness and are realized in m about t about r and to e - movement of corresponding or meeting muscles, and have received the name and d e about m about t about r n y h and to t about century "

To check up your offer, dear Brahman, on " measurement of aura " and to exclude influence ideomotoriki the person, it is enough to fix motionlessly hollow handle with the extremity or end of a framework inserted into it or her or the adhered -pendulum, to check up absence of draughts, to depart from the fixed subject of "measurement" on 10-15 meters and gradually to come nearer to it or him;them, observing for a framework/pendulum. If at your slow approach or approximation any distance a pendulum/framework will begin consensual movement from you up to it or him it is possible to consider or count distance in radius of your aura since the muscular factor of a motility of muscles will be excluded.

By the way, dear Brahman how you think, what "aura" means and than it is possible to explain its or her existence, except for " courses of a prana through various layers of a matter "?

23.11.2004, 19:10
Dear, the Anaconda, in the first, it was cut off not prutik and rogatina which held in two arms or hand and when the person chuvsvoval he compressed water fresh ragatinu, and its or her extremity or end pripodymalsja. $not very well or unimportantly than to cut off rogatinu, not understanding sense of the phenomenon for the person it is peculiar to think out silly theories, as for example that the framework should be izgotovlenna from certain metala. By means of a rod at all all people can find water.

I VA obsnjal above that a framework povarachivajut imperceptible for the person reduced myshtsi arms or hand!

It is natural, if you think of rotation the pendulum will start to rotate, but to think it is necessary not about rotation!

It is necessary to think that the framework will turn on border of aura when you with a framework approach or suit to the person, and mishtsy will be reduced when the psychic subconsciously pochustvuet grunitsu auras, and a framework poverenetsja. But not vkoem cases it is impossible to think of the form of aura, i.e. to represent it or her!