
Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Very much I take a great interest or am fond in a homeopathy, though and not the doctor on specially...

22.08.2004, 17:10
The dear doctor! Very much I take a great interest or am fond in a homeopathy though and not the doctor on a speciality, but with medicine it is necessary to collide or face almost every day. Unfortunately, we have not enough doctors - homeopathists. Is picked up on tops, but it or this a little. I receive dispatch on a homeopathy and I watch or I keep up the textbook. At my place their two. It is a pity only, that we do not have drugstores where prepare for homeopathic preparations. Here has collided or faced that from All of you ask any questionnaire. If it is connected with diagnostics, it would be desirable also to me for it or him to receive. Besides something can you to me will advise in occasion of my urticaria (the history 7447 is attached). My address: sventanna@mail. ru. In advance you I thank. I wish you all most the best, well-being (and not only material), health (and not only physical) and always excellent or different mood. By the way, in our city I passed or took place computer diagnostics on Folju. Very quite good bagatelle I shall tell or say to you, is unique, it is a pity at them the program on nervous system, a head and everything did not work, that with it or this is connected. But in occasion of an allergy - the program has not recognized me allergikom on what. In occasion of a urticaria, the doctor has told or said, what is it more likely a vegetative parentage. I wait for your opinion.

Zak M.S.
23.08.2004, 17:37
Dear Svetlana! That take a great interest or be fond - me joyfully. Inform in what city live. I cannot advise treatment, not knowing your features. I send a questionnaire very seldom, only to people who do not have absolutely any opportunity to address to a homeopathist. Even if they will send me the filled questionnaire, they still longly enough should wait for the decision - in fact at me not enough time on similar a sort job.

Zak M.S.
25.08.2004, 04:00
Dear Svetlana! That take a great interest or be fond - me joyfully. Inform in what city live. I cannot advise treatment, not knowing your features. I send a questionnaire very seldom, only to people who do not have absolutely any opportunity to address to a homeopathist. Even if they will send me the filled questionnaire, they still longly enough should wait for the decision - in fact at me not enough time on similar a sort job.

26.08.2004, 14:59
Thanks, for the answer. It is always pleasant, when someone listens to you and even responds. I live in Moldova, in the city of Kishinev. So, that if at you is, that to me to advise, is always glad to listen.
Yours faithfully, Svetlana

27.08.2004, 00:55
Greetings, zemljachka, is at us a drugstore in kardiotsentre, opposite RKB. Method Folja at our doctors? It is a nonsense! The thrown out money! P. s. Has recollected, in the diagnostic center not a bad drugstore. Leave phone, I shall call, if there is a desire to communicate...

27.08.2004, 17:19
Svetlanka! I too take a great interest or am fond in a homeopathy and more many interesting things...

Zak M.S.
28.08.2004, 22:09
Hello, Svetlana! I at once navskidku shall not name to you of a homeopathist in Kishinev - I ask at colleagues - can as I learn or I find out for you. As to diagnostics on Follju, personally at me to her rather cool attitude or relation.