Просмотр полной версии : To me of 26 years, at me the most severe PMS. Every month, for days 10 prior to the beginning kneading...

09.08.2004, 17:56
To me of 26 years, at me the most severe PMS. Every month, for days 10 prior to the beginning of monthly I experience directly any excruciating. At me awful mood, depressive, delicacy, emotional lability, physically I as though inflate. The skin becomes as though not moja-fat, on her appear insignificant, but morbid rashes, all face and a breast kak-that burns, is scratched, to the touch they as though are smeared by wax. Earlier monthly were very irregular, were now stabilized. I tried to accept to Diana, but effect it is any have not given, I only have recovered. To work during this period for me - the excruciating is simple. What to me to do or make, what analyses to hand over, and whether there can be it attributes any serious patalogii?

Kulpinskij E.N.
09.08.2004, 22:25
Really, all data for a serious pathology. Contact d-rum Dvorjanchikovym - IPPP is by its or his part.

11.08.2004, 08:10
Anna, you know at me too were terrible PMS. I met the first days with fast and nyxes. One week before became simply intolerable and quick-tempered. Now I have practically coped with this problem. Write I shall share result shirin@mail. natm. ru