Просмотр полной версии : Natalia Jurevna, really and the truth in a homeopathy adhere infectious...

Brejkin D.V. the doctor-allergist
17.06.2004, 12:15
Natalia Jurevna, really and the truth in a homeopathy adhere to an infectious etiology of development of a bronchial asthma and in general allergic diseases? Yours faithfully.

Mironova N.J.
18.06.2004, 14:59
Dmitry Vladimirovich, in a homeopathy no infectious theories are considered or examined;surveyed basically. The basic approach is the level of influence on tissues, organs, the constitution, etc. in view of "similarity" of a medicine and its or his "pathogenesis". Ostalnoe-exclusively from own opinion of the doctor which conducts the concrete patient and a level of its or his general education. Yours faithfully, Natalia Jurevna, altermir@mail. ru

The anonym
19.06.2004, 05:29

Dvorjanchikov Century
19.06.2004, 22:18
By the way, about " a level of the general education ". What - to yours, Natalia Jurevna, Ganeman meant under "miazmami" (pay attention to descriptions of their general or common properties)?
Dear d-r Brejkin! You can enter into any search site, type or collect in a line of inquiry, for example, " + mycoplasma + asthma " and to read about it or this though the whole week without interruption.

Mironova N.J.
20.06.2004, 20:55
Dvorjanchikov, has not understood, that has caused or called your rough reaction. Homeopathic "miazmy" and the Infectious nature in comprehension of doctors official meditsiny-absolutely different concepts. "Miazmy" antibiotics you will not change... And from them as from a physical microbe or allergen TSIKi are not formed... Natalia Jurevna.

Dvorjanchikov Century
22.06.2004, 10:35
My reaction, on the contrary, was rather constrained. On what basis you declare " absolutely different nature " infections and miazmov? Only what in days of Ganemana there was no concept "microbe"? Get a grasp and find even one basic divergence between ganemanovskimi representations about miazmah and modern representations about infections! And in general: who has entitled you to speak on behalf of a name of all homeopathists? The it is more, that concrete infections began to be mentioned in works of homeopathists ever since as have been opened or open and characterized. Medieval idealism Ganemana spoke that its or his empirical experience has far outstripped a level of then natural sciences. Medieval idealism of a part of the modern homeopathists covered a fig leaflet pure "klassichnosti" by anything, except for laziness, to lack of information and groundless snobbery to explain it is impossible.

Mironova N.J.
23.06.2004, 13:33
How much shkol-it is so much vrachej-so much opinions. But I ask you to change your tone categorically. You are not for me neither authority, nor the instructor. I with pleasure would exchange with you opinions as to a clamidiosis I have interest in connection with enough long job with patients and materials of your site also are interesting to me, though are not indisputable. Also is ready to accept with attention something from your operational experience. But to communicate it is ready - as with the colleague, instead of as with the mentor. Yours faithfully, Natalia Jurevna, altermir@mail. ru

Dvorjanchikov Century
24.06.2004, 00:31
Here if you, Natalia Jurevna, precisely same words have begun the answer to Dmitry Vladimirovichu...