Просмотр полной версии : The doctor! Tell or say please, that such ARSENIKUM. I have in view of not that of what...

12.06.2004, 15:23
The doctor! Tell or say please, that such ARSENIKUM. I have in view of not that of what he is made, and the mechanism of its or his influence, t. e. On as as he operates or works. Thanks

Zak M.S.
13.06.2004, 18:59
Dear @! Now I have not enough time and hunting to respond in detail on your question (the answer is extensive enough and obemen). If want, descend or go to the address of http: // www. homeomed. ru/hmp_lkr/start. htm, and later if there will be questions - set them...

The anonym
15.06.2004, 00:45
.. Huntings...?!

Zak M.S.
16.06.2004, 04:38
Also it is the unique remained question? Yes, huntings - imagine: the first one o'clock in the morning, still or even a heap of obligatory another matters (among which and some necessity to have a sleep) and the pretty question assuming the long answer... Therefore huntings in detail to respond and was not - has responded briefly.

The anonym
17.06.2004, 05:29
No answer to my question to the site specified by you is present.

Zak M.S.
18.06.2004, 03:15
The dear Anonym!
Let's begin with the last: an incidence of any homeopathic preparation, that is applied according to the homeopathic doctrine (a principle of similarity: the doctor, having of the most detailed data about tests of the future homeopathic medicines for healthy people at whom the last tested the certain signs specific to everyone substance, actually perebolevaja this or that drug disease, estimates or appreciates entirely a case of each patient with its or his all illnesses or diseases, reveals or taps specific not for illnesses or diseases, and for the given patient signs and similar status of the patient, that is, what medicine he as though "obelsja" - see ordinary expression " you that, a benbane obelsja makes a decision on what action from medicines??? "; The given medicine also is appointed or nominated to the patient, as a rule, sublingvalno, but are possible or probable also other variants) and prepared on homeopathic technology (potentiation - finishing of concentration of initial operating or working substance up to midget - the order 10 with a parameter even - 2000 and less - by consecutive dissolution of substance in polar, as a rule, vodno-a spirituous dissolvent, with conservation of biological activity of a solution) is all organism (it is reached or achieved as follows - the organism of the unhealthy patient receives the information necessary for adequate management and itself, the reguljatornymi systems in internal tongues normalizes job of any organ or system, reduces various pathological statuses and signs.
Proceeding from above told or said the last, we pass to the first part of a question: on the one hand, correctly picked up medicine can cure and from such places on which it at test has not worked, on the other hand, what status is necessary to learn or find out such signs or complaints has caused or called a preparation at test as more often patients who accept an arsenic, and will be pre-and to arrive in such statuses. The arsenic acts on mentality, nervous system, immune system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, an alimentary system, a blood, a skin, etc. In summary I shall cite brief data from the homeopathic directory (author F.Vermjullen, A.Martjusheva's translation or transfer, sections are resulted or brought, after signs the degree of an expression is designated):
MENTALITY: the Flour or Torment, drives from a place on a place (3), with palpitation (3). The trouble, after polunochi, at 3 o'clock (3), forces to rise from bed (3) if surrounding something expect (2/1). Wishes, that it or him quickly Wore (3). Wishes more, than it is necessary (2). The pavor of loneliness, mors (3) to die in loneliness (3), feebleness (3). Never laughs (3). The trouble, in bed, wishes to pass from one bed in another (3).
EYES: Grazes, in angles (3). A photophobia, from a snow (3).
NOSE: Catarrh, in cold weather (2/1). A rhinitis, from a cold fit after an overheating (3). Sensation of shortage of air, in a nose (2). Sensation zalozhennosti, with watery vydelenijami (3), at a root of a nose (3). A pain, burning, during a rhinitis (3), sadnenie during a rhinitis (3).
The FACE: the Pain, burning, as from needles (3).
MOUTH: Aphthas, bluish (3/1).
STOMACH: Sensation of alarm, at the night, rising upwards (3/1). Sensation Komka, after cold drinks (2). A pain after ice-cream (3),> from heat (3), from warm drink (2/1). A vomiting after ice-cream (3).
RECTUM: Diarrhea, after alarm (2), after active movements (3), after ice-cream (3), on seacoast (2). A pain, burning,> from heat (2/1).
BLADDER: the Consensual Emiction after sorts or labors (3).
FEMALE GENITALS: the Pain in the field of ovaries,> from movement by a foot (2/1).
RESPIRATION: Asthmatic, after polunochi, at 2 o'clock (3), at weather changing (2). Complicated iz-for a dust (3).
EXTREMITIES: Restless movements of anticnemions before a dream (3).
DREAM: Dreams, a strong strain (3). A sleepiness, at a mental load (3). A sleeplessness, after an exercise stress (3).
SWEAT: With alarm, at night (3).
The GENERAL or COMMON: the Collapse, sudden (3). A varicose phlebectasia, with a burning sensation, at night (3/1).
Disgust: Nutrition (3); cold drinks (2); flour nutrition (1); Adepses and plentiful nutrition (1); a smell of peep (2); meat (2); sausages (2); sweet (2); alcohol (1); butter or oil (1); cereals (1); a flour or torment (1); a liquid porridge (1); boiled meat (1); a pudding (1); soup (1).
Desire: Cold drinks (3); olives, an olive oil (3); warm drinks during a cold fit (3); warm nutrition (3); bread (2); rye bread (2); coffee (2); acidic fruit (2); meat (2); milk (2); freshening (2); wine (2); bacon (1); brendi (1); beer (1); fat nutrition (1); Adeps + sweet (1); fruit (1); hot nutrition (1); an ice (1); lard (1); lemons (1); mustard (1); marinovannye vegetables (1); acute (1); sausages (1); acidic (1); sweet (1); vegetables (1).
Worse from: Cold nutrition (3); fruit (3); substandard meat (3); boiled sausages (3); fault or wine (3); brendi (2); butters or oils (2); old cheese (2); cold drinks (2); Adeps (2); a smell of nutrition (2); the frozen products (2); ice-cream (2); milk (2); acidic (2); Acetum (2); peas and beans (1); beer (1); cabbage (1); coffee (1); a boiled fish (1); the products causing a meteorism (1); hot nutrition (1); fresh meat (1); a smell from a preparing or going meat (1); cakes (1); pepper (1); pork (1); crude nutrition (1); salads (1); salts (1); a sauerkraut (1); sweet (1); veal (1); vegetables (1); waters (1);
Better from: Hot nutrition (3); warm drink (3); coffee (2); cold drink at a heat or fever (2); milk (2); waters (1); fault or wine (1).
Kernel or Core:
1. The Cold and chilly person, with strong aspiration to heat.
2. Pavor (morses), internal and external trouble.
3. Diabrotic, irritating allocation.
4. Thermalgias it is better from heat.
5. Strong aspiration to the company (to get rid of pavor; and Phos - iz-for sympathies to another).
6. Worse at night.