Просмотр полной версии : Prompt please, diagnostics on Follju and others that is how much truthful...

05.06.2004, 08:30
Prompt please, diagnostics on Follju and other computer diagnostics is how much truthful?

Dvorjanchikov Century
06.06.2004, 03:23
- looking who diagnoses it, and that try to give out for the truth.

06.06.2004, 11:07
e. If the professional who has been not interested in the further cooperation, napr diagnoses. Treatment it is possible to be assured or confident in the rights. To diagnostics?
And still there is any nonlinear a computer. Diagnostics connected with color scale, the program the wanderer and on points on an ear.
It would be desirable to hear your comments on this question and whenever possible advise a place where similar research can be passed or taken place in Peter. Thanks.

Dvorjanchikov Century
07.06.2004, 21:35
Method Follja allows to diagnose a status internal an organ and systems at a level "well-is bad" and "hyperfunction-hypofunction". Besides he is subjective (depends on a status and iskussnosti the operator). To follow for numerous "navorotami" which are presented as improvement of this method, it is not obviously possible. Perhaps, something also has the right to a life, but I repeatedly had to observe obvious punctures in such "diagnostics". Therefore, when patients are on reception with similar "analyses", I never take them into consideration.

09.06.2004, 10:25
Well here! It was necessary to write, that " method Follja " - fraud is simple, at once have erased a post.
Really you think, what this secret still is not known for someone?

Dvorjanchikov Century
10.06.2004, 04:20
Vladimir! R.Foll was the doctor and the brilliant experimenter, and its or his merits have been highly estimated or appreciated still during lifetime of. And you - only the layman and the religious maniac. And not to you it or him to wear or defame. From here to you the request: to act within the limits of own kompetntsii and in other conference. I can recommend, for example, conference "Psychiatrist". There to you will be glad.

Trofimov A.P.
11.06.2004, 02:36
In the program "Wanderer" method TSvetoterapii is realized. In her testing on set various color scales all over again is made. On quality of answers the pathology of internal organs is defined or determined and then the program defines or determines a color palette which it is necessary to show to the patient for correction of its or his status. In essence, it is similar to a homeopathy, t. To. Both in one, and in other case there is an influence by the certain wave (frequency) characteristics on an organism of the person. In occasion of testing call in S-Petersburg by phone 126 80 80, ask Valery Ivanovicha. Now in occasion of method Follja. He has the right to a life that is confirmed by numerous practice. Selection of homeopathic preparations on this method can be effective at auxiliary methods of therapy (symptomatic, paliativnoj, a drainage, etc.), Up to 30 potencies. But the basic methods of therapy are not accessible to him. As that fraud in itself is not present. To each method the frameworks. Truthfulness of diagnostics? If the doctor after diagnostics sends on treatment of the patient in other arms or hand (I do not mean allopaticheskuju medicine) it is not necessary seryozno to concern to it or this. Personally I shall never base or found;establish the conclusion about a status of the patient on results of such inspections, and I shall recommend to pass or take place conventional diagnostics. Any superfashionable diagnostics " finely floats " after comparison with diagnostics allopaticheskoj medicine for one simple reason: the doctor the allopathist without the formal diagnosis for treatment of the patient cannot appoint or nominate any tablet. This circumstance compels or forces an allopathy to improve constantly objective diagnostics in what, it is necessary to recognize, she has reached or achieved greater or big heights. The trouble only in that, what is it perfection practically is not reflected in any way in quality of treatment. But it already rests against ideology of the approach.

11.06.2004, 06:58
With the Wanderer (tsvetodiagnostika and tsvetoterapija by means of computer systems) there is one serious problem which, despite of a theoretical opportunity of such diagnostics and therapy, forces me to concern personally to it or him;them as to... mgm.. "Inexact". A name of this problem - color calibration of monitors.

11.06.2004, 13:14
Can you, Dvorjanchikov, not in a course, but R.Foll spent the as you were expressed " shining or brilliant eksperimentaty " in fascist concentration camps. And all its or his "merits" consist in tortures voennoplennyh and the mystical games supported or maintained ideology of fascism.
So, the layman and the maniac are you, comrade Dvorjanchikov of Century

Dvorjanchikov Century
12.06.2004, 07:57
People hurted or were ill;were sick and in concentration camps. And many of them have survived only owing to doctors. Those few German doctors who practising in a concentration camp, has broken or disturbed medical ethics, have been condemned mezhdnarodnym by the tribunal. You have similar data concerning d-ra Follja? If yes - show, if is not present - pray and repent, for false witness - a sin, as is known, mortal.

13.06.2004, 10:13
Well here, comrade Dvorjanchikov already protects kontslagernyh monsters. It, is supposed, and there are your moral principles?
That your friend and teacher R.Foll was engaged in a concentration camp barbarous "researches", in particular, a set of statistical materials for "method" - for a long time is known to all. Simply doctors of your order have no custom to be interested in the detailed information concerning that, than they are engaged.
Anything surprising: all barbarians and criminal mysticism mazany one world!
On that all of them and to their followers court the maximum or supreme and contempt human.

Dvorjanchikov Century
13.06.2004, 12:39
As one would expect, anything, except for verbal diarrhea you could not show or present. Any doctor during war automatically becomes the soldier and serves there where to him will order. Dr. Foll did not make any military and humanitarian crimes. As development of the (rather humane, by the way) a method he spent not in a concentration camp. Thus, you - only pustobryoh. And I to you not "comrade" (where to search for comrades, I have already prompted you). In general, here it nothing you more.

14.06.2004, 23:51
Vladimir, for such behaviour in conferences "banjat". Here not a place for such vyskazyvanev, here people come with the questions and problems, and you transform conference in bessmyslenyj dispute and insults if you do not understand it or this at you that is valid that with nervous system, it not arrival and not the insult.

15.06.2004, 11:01
Century Dvorjanchikov - terrible hamlo. And you unless did not know it or this?