Просмотр полной версии : Hello! After treatment preporatom roakkutan, to me have put (on the analysis...

The anonym
03.06.2004, 14:22
Hello! After treatment preporatom roakkutan, to me have put (under the analysis of a blood) the diagnosis: a hepatitis. I so understand it not an infection, and abusing a medicinal preparation. And as consequence or investigation disease of a liver. Here also I wish to learn or find out treat it? If yes that where and how? Very much I hope for your help. Thanks.

Serebryakov Sergey
03.06.2004, 22:42
In general that, the hepatitis is the inflammatory disease of a liver caused or called by a virus infection (viruses of a hepatitis In, With and t. Item). The preparation hardly in it or this is guilty, more likely the infection was earlier or has been introduced during medical manipulations (usually - intravenous injections).
The hepatitis can be treated and a homeopathy, but prospects of treatment in many respects depend on type of a virus (as well as at treatment usual sredsvtami).

The anonym
04.06.2004, 22:12
Thanks for the answer, but in anotatsii on a medicine in section side effects, is told or said: " separate cases of a hepatitis are possible or probable ". During treatment I am regular (each three months) handed over the analysis of a blood. A hepatitis it was revealed not. And injections was not, only fences of a blood on the analysis and sexual it is by excluded (at me long time one partner).
Where it is possible to be surveyed?

Zak M.S.
05.06.2004, 04:30
Dear anonimka! Vo-the first, a preparation not from lungs on what firma-the manufacturer (Hofman Lja Rosh) fairly informs. Quite probably, that your dermal problem it was possible (and will be) to solve homeopathic by. Vo-the second, " fences of a blood on the analysis " and " sexual by " from one partner also could serve as way of a transmission of infection (if a hepatitis virus, for example, B or C). However in any case of a hepatitis (toxic, after the use of medicines, or virus) it is possible and it is necessary to correct a status by means of a homeopathy. Inspection for exception or acknowledgement or confirmations of an etiology of a hepatitis now in Moscow is accessible enough (completely not necessarily to search special "spuper" for the center).