Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte, dear doctors. I already wrote on this forum in occasion of the ...

21.05.2004, 03:07
Zdrastvujte, dear doctors. I already wrote on this forum in occasion of the child, at which the strongest diathesis. To me have advised to address to a homeopathist internally. I have tried to find in our city (tashkent) a homeopathist, but it has appeared, that those here is not present. It appears at us is lzhegomeopaty or who I do not know which are engaged in computer diagnostics, and then the computer gives out the diagnosis and naz-I ostensibly homeopathic preparations which represent sugar tabletochki and should cure actually. - to mine, it is any profanation. And as one more woman whom not the homeopathist, but prepares for medicines on propisjam, and she famatsevt?! All Can taki someone can advise to cure as me the child. Earlier our pediatrist has cured a strabismus and as hypererethism preparations of firm heel tserebrum, a coenzyme and ubihenon kompozitum therefore I From Moscow have reserved preparations: Engistol, Galium-Hel, Traumel With, kutis kompozitum, Iov plus. Has looked or seen on a site on signs and has chosen them, to me have brought now costs or stands question as them to drink. Can at you there is an experience of application of these preparations. Thankful in advance for references.

Kulpinskij E.N.
22.05.2004, 06:11
Oh, risky this business to drink helevskie preparations "at random". Write on my mail, time so consultation on "helju" is necessary.