Просмотр полной версии : koordinatornyj a neurosis, whether it is possible to cure?

14.06.2003, 16:35
A year I am am hurted with arms or hand, now also legs or foots sometimes hurt. Disease has arisen from a wrong pose at job behind a computer.
At first there were strong pains in the right arm or hand, especially when longly sat on a rigid chair.
The numbness and easy or light;mild pricking in fingers of arms or hand proceeds and now it is more that less (I continue to work behind a computer but not so intensively)
At inspection of the right arm or hand on ENMG - data for an easy or a light;a mild lesion of sensory fibers of the right median nerve at a level of the carpal channel :-are defined.
Roentgen-instability of a cervical department of a backbone
Strong pains within 2 months have passed or have taken place.
Has passed or Has taken place 2 courses of massage, 2-nd time after 10 procedures pochustvovala deterioration.
Has passed or Has taken place 2 courses fizioterapii-a magnet, fonoforez, the laser (15 times)
Accepted Trentalum and milgammu, intramuscular introduction milgammy (and a nicotinic acid-if has not mixed the name)
The truth not for long on physiotherapy exercises went
Any improvement not proiskodit
The doctor diagnosed a syndrome of the carpal channel, but under the description I now think, that at me more likely koordinatornyj a neurosis, all attributes of this disease are, and night pains characteristic for a syndrome I have no.
Whether prompt there is a way to recover, what doctor can help or assist me, whether acupuncture .mne only 40 years can help or assist, and I feel invalid.

Rastorguev D.V.
18.06.2003, 19:46
Zdraustvujte, Olga!
It is quite probable, that a homeopathy or igloreflekoterapija to you will help or assist. For treatment address to sootvetsvujushchemu to the expert. If want to be treated at me - call on ph. 8-926-204-06-10.