Просмотр полной версии : Pelenanie - as well as why...

10.05.2003, 06:19
posdednee time is fashionable free pelenanie babies, i.e. accepted to not swaddle at all children - have enclosed or laid a pampers, have dressed or endow a baby's undershirt and it's in the bag. Handles and legs or pinches of the newborn dangle or hang about as it or him;them will like, tendons are stretched, move, get out or dragged out, move, get out, joints "jump out" - a dysplasia of a hip joint, krivosheja, a different sort of a rachiocampsis, a ptosis and shift of organs of a peritoneum are observed at almost 100 % of newborns.

Mechanical uncontrollable sharp movement in reply to internal emotion (in a dream, change of temperature, sounds, smells, atmospheric pressure, an environment, etc.) - and the child " itself was frightened ". The baby without the reason " cries, belchs, badly sleeps. Parents do not understand that occurs or happens to the child. The doctor makes a helpless gesture and puts the child on inspection in hospital, profilakticheski do or make nyxes - basically antibiotics, laboratory search (today for it very fashionably) "harmful" bacteria and, certainly, find, continue treatment protivobakterijnoe and destroy a microflora zheludochno- a tract (dizbakterioz), then again medikamentozno try to restore it or her. And so endlessly. As a result we have the ready patient for its or his all life. Favourably, and? Without job we shall not remain!


The main thing buy or purchase and put in pawn to the child a pampers and all the day free. It is not necessary to wash, swaddle often... In fact the kid is not able to tell or say still, that to him inconveniently or unpleasantly.

To check up sensations of the child, it is possible to spend experiment: to curtail or turn a double blanket cover or slip in the form of a pampers, to put it or him to itself between legs or foots and to resemble with such lining so much time, skolno the pampers lays at the child between legs or foots, then to pull out and listen to the sensations. It was pleasant? Then continue experiment. As to the child, and. How you feel in some days? And then put on elegantly, obujte beautiful footwear and be passed or taken place on a room. Listen to the body, whether so you went before? Ask okruzhajushih, look or see at itself in a mirror at walking! Believe, a gait of "duck" to you very much goes!

And now think, what to the poor child who at all had no chance to feel as should be in a reality.

By means of a pampers gentle femoral hrjashchiki the child together with ossicles or bonelets are moved apart and displaced in a hip joint and in some weeks (and sometimes and years) it is had a magnificent dysplasia - we pawn the child in a gypsum for some months, we do or make after long massages and gymnastics and we treat, we treat...

And what did or made earlier with a dysplasia?

First the quantity or amount of such cases was incomparably smaller.

Secondly parents at once addressed to the expert, and the expert longly bathed the child in hot water, massing the damaged or injured joint, arms or hand set the steamed out joint, each ossicle or bonelet, a muscle, a tendon, a nerve, then hardly swaddled and so repeated daily in current of three days. And in a week supervised a handwork of the and the child is healthy for all life!

For what in current of hundreds centuries pelenanie children was hard? Really our ancestors were sillier or nedalnovidnee than us? Really they did not like the children as we and at all did not regret them, hardly rolling up diapers? And there can be it was is caused or called by necessity to give birth and bring up healthy generation? There can be they were afraid, what physically weak child will not go through difficulties of a life? So why so much centuries swaddled babies hardly?

Muscles, tendons, articulate or joint bags, and ossicles or bonelets after a birth at the baby very much slabenkie. In-co-ordinate and nekonrolirovannye movements of the child can lead to a trauma which very difficultly find out and liquidate. The similar trauma can constantly disturb and lead to every possible unpleasant consequences. Later to find the reason of those or other physical changes it is almost impossible, and, even having found it or her, to cure improbably difficultly. Development and body height of the child in the first months of a life occurs or happens too quickly and wrong position of any part of a body - whether it be the muscle, a tendon, a joint or an internal organ - causes their wrong postnatal or puerperal development, and in the subsequent - mass of unpleasant sensations and diseases. A dysplasia, rachiocampsises, krivosheja and ptoses of different organs to that a vivid example. Children who have been swaddled in the first months of a life, grow stronger and more hardy for games and study.

How correctly to swaddle the newborn?

To spread a diaper warm (9080), on it or her to spread an easy or a light;a mild diaper, and from above to put the gauze combined by a triangle. To put the baby from above so that a gauze laid at the child under breeches, to dress on it or him a baby's undershirt, to wrap up one extremity or end of a gauze a bottom of a stomach or belly, other extremity or end to pass or miss between legs or pinches on a stomach or belly, the third extremity or end to wrap up around of a stomach or belly. To take cautiously handle of the child, to straighten it or her, to open ladoshku and to enclose or lay the handle under a breech (thus to the child it will be convenient also an arm or a hand cannot pull out). Usually begin with the left party or side of a body. The top left angle of an easy or a light;a mild diaper pass or miss under the right axilla and turn under a back. The left leg or pinch also cautiously straighten also the left lateral edge or territory of a diaper pass or miss between legs or pinches. The same do or make with the right arm or hand. Now the most responsible or crucial moment - the right leg or pinch to straighten, holding left in a direct status and the right bottom edge or territory to extend and it or him to wrap up both legs or pinches and a tummy.

The warm diaper is turned from the left top angle through the right elbow for a back. A lateral part - around of legs or pinches and breeches. A bottom of a diaper podvorachivaetsja on legs or pinches. The right top angle turns a neck, a breast, to the left elbow for a back, and the right bottom angle slightly extend and turn around of legs or pinches and a tummy. Well here and a doll. In such status to the child nothing can damage or injure;hurt - at least anything to itself will not turn out also itself will not frighten own arm or hand. So the child sleeps is better, eats. In this status after feeding there is air a stomach (develop or unwrap the child in a normal position "costing or standing", not risking thus to curtail or turn to him (her) a neck) is better. After each emiction and an excrement to develop or unwrap the child, to wash, dry up and again to turn. Hlopotno? Well here health of the child and laziness of mum compete...

After each long dream it is necessary to develop or unwrap the child, to allow him to be pulled, move, lie down on a stomach or belly, it is easy or light to massage a skin, if necessary to wash, dry up, turn, feed, to not forget " to let out or release air " and let sleeps, and grows strong and healthy. The baby is necessary for bathing kazhdodnevno in warm water and a warm premise or room. To try to avoid draughts and frigorisms. Completely to swaddle the child it is necessary till the moment while dite ITSELF will not sit down. Till this time the top part of a body will enough get stronger also movements become more supervised, but continuation pelenanija the bottom part of a body for the period of a dream should be till the moment when the child HIMSELF will become independent.

For what it is necessary to dress shapochku on a head of the baby

The head is one of the major parts of a body who very quickly reacts to changes of an ambient temperature. About 70 % of heat of a body

Let's spend the comparative analysis between the last and modern approach to normal sorts or labors and the new little man.

About 20-25 years ago, we shall not speak about 30-50 years, labors tried to cause in the normal way and to use cesarean section only as a last resort when there was no other output or exit and there was a question on a life of mother or the child. Now to make "cesarean" easier and more quickly, than to be engaged in the parturient woman during several hours. Besides, from the point of view of fiminizma and societies of struggle against a pain, the woman should be relieved of pains patrimonial and consequently all need to do or make anesthesia at sorts or labors successively, and even better - cesarean section. Giving or allowing a life to the new desired person, each woman knows, that the similar natural certificate or act is always accompanied by any unpleasant sensations and pains. The patrimonial pain of the healthy and strong woman always was considered sacred. After such experiences and patiences the girl becomes the present or true woman, since it not only the physiological certificate or act, but also powerful or potent psychological. (From the point of view of the expert happens it is awfully a pity the woman with a magnificent basin which have operated not because hour of sorts or labors that is why that there has come or stepped the term appointed or nominated by the doctor who, by the way, too can be erroneous has come. Eshe any pregnant woman has not remained the pregnant woman for all life - the old saying) speaks.

At a natural birth the child should pass or take place very serious process from one kind of existence - fetal up to another - external. And it means to move below up to a place of a natural output or exit (the ptosis of a stomach or belly of the pregnant woman 1,5-2 weeks prior to sorts or labors) to prepare for powerful or potent physical test (process of a birth). At passage of the moved apart haunch bones of mother, the head of the child is compressed for any moment, utiskivaja a brain that gives powerful or potent impulse, inducing a brain to pass to a new operating mode in new conditions of a life, and a brain in turn, gives signals through nervous system on each organ, connecting or bridging each system of organs with another, and thus switching all organism.

After reception of powerful or potent impulse the body entirely passes or takes place a bottleneck which compresses it or him, passing or missing outside, t.o. Serially dobavochno impulsiruja each part.

The child develops in a womb of mother and receives from its or her organism all necessary trace substances, all time "floating" in a liquid surrounding it or him - amniotic waters. At birth, irrespective of a way, the probability popadenija in respiratory ways of amniotic waters is very high. Enough several drops that the child in the subsequent constantly was ill or sick with catarrhal diseases which reason to establish or install very difficultly since this liquid even in small quantities or amounts, is the center of a constant infection in respiratory ways.

In days of "ancient" povituhi, and later, doctors-gynecologists took the newborn for golenostop and overturned headfirst, gave kind shlepok on breeches, forcing thus the child deeply to inhale without danger, that slime will get in the top respiratory ways and lungs, and loudly to cry, that natural compression of lungs vytoknulo probably got during rozhov inside slime, and the subsequent automatic inspiration up to the extremity or end "straightened" lungs. Then the child overturned upwards a head and then only tied up or dressed a cord or navel and spent the subsequent necessary procedures.

At perevorachivanii the child headfirst and shlepke, organs of an abdominal cavity move on the anatomically a correct place and at once put into operation, having received soovesvujushy impulse. And the subsequent the child does not belch after meal and drink, practically does not complain of pains of a tummy and process of internal purification or ablution and updating of a mucosa of a gastrointestinal tract occurs or happens more quickly and easier.

For today these or it of technics or technical equipment of old medicine are forgotten, and new are not thought yet out. Together with water have splashed out also the child.: (