Просмотр полной версии : Sinusitis

JAkovleva Item
05.05.2003, 20:28
Prompt how correctly to spend, please, prophylaxis and treatment of a sinusitis not resorting to antibiotics? Thanks!

Rastorguev D.V.
08.05.2003, 02:33
By means of a homeopathic method treatment hr. A sinusitis probably, including and without antibiotics. For this purpose some consultations of the doctor-homeopathist of a classical direction for carrying out of individual treatment (in a typical case for my patients 4-7 consultations of intervals in 3-4 weeks are required) are necessary. Most often I appoint or nominate homeopathic medicine Silitseja in various razvelenijah - approximately in 25-30 % of cases. As a rule, it is possible to achieve full treatment - under condition of regular observation.