Просмотр полной версии : Problems with a breast (a mastopathy, etc.)

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22.09.2004, 21:49
Lovely ladies, instead of whether collided or faced you with such problem: before "affairs" morbid sensations in a breast are felt, there are inspissations in an axillary zone. What would it mean? And how with the given troubles to struggle? Can try or taste poprimenjat "Mammoleptin"???

Thankful in advance.

26.09.2004, 02:55
It means, most likely, a mastopathy. To be frightened it is not necessary, very much many women suffer to her. Is better to receive, certainly, the direction from the doctor and to go in mammologichesky dispensary (people - horror), t.e midday will spend. To go it is necessary in an interval from 6 up to 12 days of a cycle (including from the beginning). Preliminary call, because if it is free-of-charge, record - much more in advance. If platno - this very day, but all the same midday will spend. Basically receive the most qualified consultation, and precisely learn or find out, that with you (US if it is necessary a roentgen if it is necessary punktsija-it not painfully). Will sell also medicines: to me last time nadavali a heap of biological additives. Yet I do not know, to drink or to not drink: eventually it or him too somehow money to earn it is necessary. And I to BAD disapprove. Still to me have registered mastodinon - too yet has not solved. In the past to year when there was all much zapushchennee, have simply performed operation, and any medicines did not register.

27.09.2004, 09:02
At me too the same trouble, and at many my girlfriends, but I not when did not think, what is it badly.

28.09.2004, 15:24
It is not simply bad, and very bad.

It is considered, that the cancer of a breast is much more probable in cases of a mastopathy. In general, it is considered a harbinger of a cancer.

To the doctor. The more quickly, the better.

And in general - a national agent treatment - acceptance of an iodine. As it is concrete - I shall not speak. Go to the doctor.

[It is corrected: Mary's Crumb (31-05-2001).]

30.09.2004, 18:34
Features.... Has re-read. Has overtaken to pavor on little girls. I shall a little calm. The mastopathy (if it she) is treated, and is successful enough, and happens at very many. So strongly do not experience, but also do not start. That's all.

02.10.2004, 08:24
I in 17 years have found at myself inspissation in a breast. The gynecologist the mastopathy has told or said, what is it most likely, but nevertheless has directed to a regional oncologic out-patient department, and there the doctor in 5 minutes of survey bodrenkim a voice has told or said we Shall cut! Come in a week. (neither US nor a biopsy did not do or make - and then to cut?) I directly there also have burst into tears - have presented, as to me will cut off all breast. (has gone without mum, such independent was on the first course). Thanks God mum has led me to other doctor, is simple to hear one more opinion. And other doctor has directed me in mammologichesky a dispensary (to people - the darkness, midday has spent - all as it is described above) where to me have made both US and a biopsy and have told or said, that no trouble, to cut it is not necessary and what is it a mastopathy in very small degree. Have registered to have a drink Aevitum (capsules with vitamin A and E, are on sale in any drugstore) have and more told or said, that every day it is necessary to eat one spoon of vegetable oil, it is better olive (it is possible so, and it is possible with salad or in any kind). Here is how all has simply appeared, but to the doctor descend or go necessarily.

06.10.2004, 10:31
Tell or Say, please, what sort these inspissations how you grope them?

07.10.2004, 18:57
Be not afraid Masha: I am Dubrovsky. ()

The fibrous mastopathy happens at not given birth or not travailled women. And with the advent of the child passes or takes place.

Years in 20 at me same was... The clever doctor whom unlike konovalov, able only to cut has well got, has looked or seen as follows the normal doctor and has expelled home. And the constant doctor which fortunately was in holiday, too (as well as named by you dohtur) was going to me under a knife to send.

And the mastopathy appearing because of disturbance of function of glands of internal secretion, arises mainly in the age of from 30 till 50 years.

So mine to you advice or council: descend or go to the GOOD doctor. Those who reads your case history talking with the nurse about new sapozhkah and so forth, and the breast looks, passing by behind a teapot, it is not necessary to consider or examine;survey as the attending physician.

11.10.2004, 07:42
That you here bosh porite! The Swelling or Turgescence and boleznennos mammary glands and axillary area before a menses is quite normal hormonal the phenomena. Most likely at you and a menses plentiful. I collided or faced with this problem - snachalo too on doctors ran - I was surveyed by 4 gynecologists. And everyone explained, what is it the NORMAL PHENOMENON.

14.10.2004, 10:40
Hm, how much or as far as I know, at the majority of girls the breast becomes more sensitive up to and during monthly. That you here were alarmed...

17.10.2004, 06:26
About mastopathies I recommend to read through here: http: // www.medlinks.ru/bibl/ginek/1.htm

I think, after perusal much becomes clear to you very much about this disease. To make US and to descend or go on consultation to mammologu costs or stands necessarily. As the comment to clause or article I shall add, that instead of preparations of an iodine mammologi often appoint or nominate "Klamin" - the bioactive additive on the basis of seaweed or algas, the iodine from which is well acquired by an organism. It is necessary to note, what is it not MLM, the preparation is made on otech. farmpredprijatijah (napr., Ah-??-Y? October) also is on sale in drugstores. "Mastodinon" personally to me has really helped or assisted, already after a month of reception gravity in mammary glands before monthly has completely disappeared.

21.10.2004, 03:02
Little girls, you of that do not worry even who has thought up, what is it the mastopathy if it was she this all would hurt or be ill;be sick and not at a menses, and constantly Elena and Sea are absolutely right at all so do not experience and do not worry, it is normal, and should be, as well as pains small in a stomach or belly, before these affairs

25.10.2004, 04:37
It can be wrong I write the name, but it is a question of inspissation on a breast. It is dangerous? It is connected with an oncology? How it is treated?

For answers I shall be very grateful.

28.10.2004, 14:39
Dangerously as mojet will regenerate in a tumour with lubim uplotneeniem run to the doctor in your case to mamologu

31.10.2004, 22:31
Yes it at the friend, not at me. She to the doctor goes, with it or this it's OK. I simply to learn or find out I want, than it can turn back. It or her to ask not so conveniently.

04.11.2004, 05:32
izvenjausne has looked or seen at your floor well bivaet and znakomoi success and zdorovia

Andreeva V.V.
07.11.2004, 22:10
VUP, the mastopathy happens at many women, at well-timed and regular visiting mammologa or the surgeon the problem ceases to be a problem. And here if it or her to start, she can become and an oncology. So if your road familiar to you, do not forget pereodicheski to remind her: " And you were at the doctor? ". Success.

08.11.2004, 18:02
In me 10 years - in 19 have found out. Small inspissations in both mammary glands, one resolve, others arise, I cannot feel them fingers are-so small. At all all proceeds variously. I go everyone half a year on survey, write out to me grassy mixtures, vitamins fortifying, raising or increasing immunity, well and as though preventive from an oncology is klamin (on the basis of sea kale), Carotinum-Essentiale, mixtures from 10-15 grasses. BUT the situation should be held under the control. At my friend of 25 years cut out such inspissations - since there was a danger of their degeneration in malignant.


13.11.2004, 03:03
Attention, I not the medical worker.

Mastopathy - occurrence in a mammary gland of dense educations. It can sometimes be accompanied by pains. Periodic visiting the surgeon or the oncologist is necessary. Ultrasonic inspection for dynamics or changes of a status can periodically be spent radiological or better). A dangerous consequence of a mastopathy can be a degeneration in a tumour. Therefore, in doubtful cases the biopsy (puncture) for definition of type of a tissue can be appointed or nominated. The reason of a mastopathy probably are the transferred or carried inflammatory diseases. Prophylaxis by vitamins and immunomoduljatorami Is recommended, it is important to avoid a frigorism of an organism.


Sergey a.k.a. James John Dark

14.11.2004, 15:47
Arise and on the basis of hormonal failures. Happens, that finally in itself pass or take place. To overcool it is impossible, and to sunbathe too. The sun deck is counter-indicative. I when on health resorts go - from above a bathing suit very closed, even under it or him - a good sun-protection cream. Though always a heap of questions oto everything, and in particular from men " yes with your breast it is necessary for you topless or very much a -bathing suit, you that as babka were turned ". But - health is more important, especially it is connected with an oncology.


Alexey To.
14.11.2004, 22:34
Thanks all very big.

15.11.2004, 06:02
I too sechas am treated for it or this. I even at myself have groped these inspissations.

And the cyst it too most or is differences? At whom it was both how treated and whether it is curable?

17.11.2004, 18:01
Attention, I not the medical worker.

Cyst - a cavity containing a liquid or air. Current depends on a concrete locating, type and the size. There is a set of types depending on an etiology of disease. It is diagnosed, as a rule at a palpation (infrequently), basically it is found out at radiological or ultrasonic research. At the small sizes probably conservative treatment. Possible or probable complications - body height of the sizes with squeezing prilezhashchih tissues or organs, a pyesis. As a rule, the reference on a way of life and treatment are given by the attending physician. Treatment is quite possible or probable.


Sergey a.k.a. James John Dark

20.11.2004, 00:14
Actually and all question.

Natalia In
22.11.2004, 08:12
The question is small.

It is possible. It is possible and to become pregnant at a cancer. The question, that from this will turn out for the child and a mastopathy.

You with vrachem would talk, chtoli. Or on doktor.ru descended or went.

From myself I can tell or say, that is considered, that during pregnancy the mastopathy ceases. But pass or take place hardly can.