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20.10.2004, 06:46
The subject can and was, simply help or assist to find then.

If was not a question consists in the following: How to save a beautiful breast. It is a question of pregnancy.

All advice or councils - experience are accepted.

21.10.2004, 11:20
Kremiki, a raising or an increasing tonus and an elastance, good supporting or maintaining sconces (and during a dream including)... Well and to pray, that the heredity has not brought...

Andrey Nikitin
22.10.2004, 08:33
Anka, it is possible about kremikah more in detail?

26.10.2004, 23:02
It is obligatory, when the kid will be born and you will nurse are not lazy to wear bjustik houses in the whole days since the skin loses an elastance during feeding, instead of during pregnancy. I somewhere after 12-th weeks of pregnancy, ezhevecherne before a dream mazjukala a skin of a breast everyones kremikami. Gave birth or travailled 10 years ago, therefore a cream I can not advise, now they others.

28.10.2004, 11:49
During pregnancy wore a bra round the clock. As I like models on ossicles or bonelets - such nrosila in the afternoon, and for the night has bought or purchased to myself without ossicles or bonelets, but with wide straps, powerful or potent such))))

All pregnancy from 3 weeks jojoba used all humidifying or wetting creams and more butter or oil. Basically in the evenings.

After sorts or labors and the breast has not drooped feeding, any extension (ksta, at my mum of extensions after me and sisters up to a fig), the form has remained prezhrej beautiful, only grudb naoshchup became softer

BUT! I fed only 4 months and a breast at me during pregnancy have not increased

31.10.2004, 00:30
Elle, yes as a matter of fact any - something from series for mums is possible (my girlfriend is very happy with absolutely inexpensive cream which has got in " pregnant section " a simple supermarket (HEMA), very positive responses I the Caryatid from Lierak heard about a cream for a breast, but also heard also stories of the ladies smeared simply Niveej or still or even what molochkom for a body and with that succeeded in conservation of a breast. The only thing the general or common - to be smeared begin at least with the beginning of the second trimester, not later (not, better late, than never, certainly, but the earlier, the polzitelnee), and are smeared on a regular basis. Sobssno, it not only to a breast concerns - to a tummy and femurs tozh. Success!

05.11.2004, 02:40
How to save a beautiful breast. It is a question of pregnancy.

Creams against extensions are good for using, bjustik supporting or maintaining, about fiz.nagruzkah on muscles, podderzhvashchie a breast, to not forget (only do not go too far - important quantity or amount of approaches, instead of weight of burdening).

But generally it also from a breast depends. I, for example, only sometimes from extensions used a cream also any changes neither during pregnancy, nor after sorts or labors (only has increased for the size and when the lactemia was established or installed, has returned to former), during feeding (actually, I I feed till now - a daughter year and three months) is not present.

14.11.2004, 18:33
Buy or Purchase to itself butter or oil of germs of wheat and almond. In the first it is awful a lot of vitamin E, just for an elastance of a skin, from extensions.

But: to buy it is necessary butters or oils of the proved firms. Choose at the price of, good butter or oil cannot cost cheaply. From domestic it is pleasant to me Galenofarm.

15.11.2004, 21:27
Whether the status of a breast very strongly still depends on that there will be at you a strong fluctuation of weight. When I have stopped to feed (1.3), the beginnings sharply to dump or reset the weight typed or collected during feeding and any a cream have not helped or assisted

Sergey Ermakov
23.11.2004, 08:08
Yes to dump or reset weight it is necessary gradually, necessarily to wear bjusgalter day and night, is special for feeding, class vesch!

Valentine Prh
26.11.2004, 01:47
Anything from this especially will not help or assist... At feeding the breast will increase, after feeding will decrease.. And the kind of a breast will be depends on your genetics and a hormonal background...

28.11.2004, 20:00
Anything from this especially will not help or assist... At feeding the breast will increase, after feeding will decrease..

It not always happens so., for example, the size has remained With me former. I think, it first of all depends on a body build.

02.12.2004, 20:34
That extensions during pregnancy it was not necessary to smear a breast with almond butter or oil with butter or oil petitgrejna or neroli. And in occasion of formy-it seems to me really very individually. At me all remains, as up to pregnancy.

06.12.2004, 12:28
Correctly to you advise to wear a bra all time - better for pregnant women, and then for feeding. And creams really work - at regular application.

I used: during pregnancy - gel and capsules Phytrel from Lierac, without special delight on sensations, but the result was, then, on later terms - has passed to butter or oil Tonic from Clarins, it or him used after sorts or labors while fed. The breast increased or was enlarged for two sizes, now all has returned to an initial status, but I continue to use Serum for a bust. Unique change - me began to go completely not comfortably without a bra - I have in view of the sensations. But I and up to pregnancy without a bra did not take a great interest or was not fond in circulations.

13.12.2004, 16:24
I gave birth or travailled through cesarean and itself did not feed. The breast and a figure have remained same as up to pregnancy.

21.12.2004, 16:20
Guest and why did not feed if not a secret?

23.12.2004, 07:12
You are assured that the pregnant woman can use essential oils?

26.12.2004, 07:18
Much is valid from a heredity depends. At me the breast has increased certainly, but not so that it is a lot of. And I was on a regular basis smeared with a cream, and here extensions now vseravno have appeared. To it to me still to give birth or travail only in two months, and that then will be at all I represent. Though also gymnastics I do or make and in bjustike I go. So not all from us depends.

02.01.2005, 08:35
Essential oils of pregnant women are better for not touching or for not tampering with - the reference (I do not remember now where) so there everyone second of butters has such contraindication (and uitrusovye among them) rolled at me. But also so there is a perfect butter or oil rostkov wheats - not ethereal which raises or increases an elastance and softens. I repeat, by the way, about Caryatid Lieraka - specialized kremik just in this respect, it is strong hvalimyj.

08.01.2005, 13:49
Guest and why did not feed if not a secret?


Has preferred the formula proceeding from reasons, that I should work, and the formula will not bring any harm, more likely on the contrary. On her has grown two generations of Americans and West-Europeans if it is no more, and they on health of ours well oooooochen have far outridden.

16.01.2005, 10:15
So not all from us depends

Alas. And often of pregnancy-sorts or -labors-feeding in it or this you are convinced.

19.01.2005, 02:25

I shall not lag behind you.... gy! What did or made that the lactemia was not? So I am or be interested because to give birth or travail to me in 4 months (tozh cesarean).

24.01.2005, 23:04
To me the doctor has written out any preparation helping or assisting it or these plus I wore some days special not that lifchik, not that a bandage such. But is in fact and national sradstva, for example if simply hardly to be bandaged in some days the lactemia will disappear.

27.01.2005, 09:03
Has carried to you with the doctor, I think give a hint I, that with a breast I shall not feed, me alive will eat.

03.02.2005, 00:26
Generally this private affair of everyone. And you where? I in the USA.