Просмотр полной версии : Please, help or assist - that eo can be?

05.10.2006, 18:14
Couple of days back I had feeling of a burning sensation and an itch in the field of small sexual labiums and at the input or entrance in a vagina. Last sexual certificate or act was about 2 months ago, used a condom. And yesterday I have found out allocation on linen, but not a jelly-like kind, and as if an exfoliated mucous false skin. White color. And " the smell chresel " was noticeably softened and has got sweetish okras (if so in general it is possible speaks about such things). It the infection was showed or I could damage or injure;hurt walls of a vagina a wad or during a masturbation and it estestvennyj process of "adhesion"? I have started to wash out broth of a camomile, an itch like not such strong, but..

06.10.2006, 01:32
The girl be not frightened, it is a usual THRUSH and displays typical for it or her. Probably doctor will prompt you what or a method of treatment, but I do not think that here on the Internet. Simply address to the doctor and you it is fast from it or this will get rid. Success!