Просмотр полной версии : Contraception and nicotine

21.09.2006, 22:54
Tell or Say, please, about one month excruciates a question in occasion of contraception. More correctly, not how much contraception, how much its or her combination to a nicotine. The matter is that to me have written out Logest in hospital, not as an agent of preservation, and as a medicine. Two months ago in me have found out a cyst in the left ovary and have told or said, that Logest will help or assist it or her rassosat and to reduce pains at monthly. And so I do not know, whether it is necessary to me to continue to smoke, how it can affect or have an effect on we wash health, and whether the nicotine on kachetsvo preservations (i.e. whether can kolichistvo neutralize n-th cigarettes action of a preparation) influences?

25.09.2006, 15:38
It is better to not smoke, theoretically it reduces efficiency OK and raises or increases risk of by-effects.
The oothecoma is a functional concept. On a background hormonal disbalansa or hormonal disturbances (at endocrine diseases) the set of follicles grows in ovaries, but the ovulation does not occur or happen, therefore on US see set of the follicles, sometimes one or more of them grows and education enough greater or big sizes is defined or determined. Sometimes more than 10 see It also is a cyst. She, as a rule, disappears independently or on a background of treatment and does not demand an operative measure. Happens, that she is broken off or lacerated or under its or her gravity there is a torsion of an ovary. Then this status threatens a life and the immediate surgery is required.
If at US the cyst does not decrease and the tumour of an ovary does not disappear during 2-3- months it already the CYSTOMA, i.e. and it demands urgent operation (after corresponding or meeting inspection) as never it is impossible to tell or say good-quality or malignant this education. The laparoscopy is usually done or made and the tumour leaves only, and the ovary remains.
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.