Просмотр полной версии : Prompt

21.09.2006, 14:40
Prompt please about contraceptive tablets... As are called as to accept and what there can be by-effects... Whether they are reliable?

21.09.2006, 14:46
Methods of modern contraception.
Agents which application is directed on preservation from conception, are called as contraceptives. However contraceptive agents not only for the prevention or warning of undesirable pregnancy, but also for a regulation of its or her entering in view of age of the woman, a state of health of spouses, number of children and intervals between sorts or labors. Application of highly effective and harmless methods of contraception abortion which, according to numerous data, in 2-3 times increases or enlarges frequency nevynashivanija pregnancy, perinatalnoj allows to exclude also case rates and sterilities or barrennesses.
The basic methods of contraception are endometrial, hormonal, barrier methods, sterilization. Each method has "pluss" and "minuses". Naval Forces, as a rule, recommend the women having in the anamnesis labors, not otjagoshchennyh serious gynecologic patalogiej (chronic inflammatory diseases of genesial system, tumoral and tumorous educations of organs of a small basin, disturbance of a menstrual cycle).
Without the reference of the doctor it is possible to apply vulval or vaginal suppositories, creams, tablets. They are safe and have high efficiency, and also partially protect from infections.
The arsenal of hormonal agents of contraception for today is very great and competently to pick up a preparation it is necessary to spend series of researches. Without inspection reception of hormonal contraceptives can be dangerous. For purpose or appointment OK, whether hormonal adhesive tape of a hormonal ring inspection is necessary: US, US of milk or dairy glands, the biochemical analysis of a blood, gemostaziogramma or a coagulogram (coagulability of a blood), hormonal inspection under special indications (at suspicion on presence of hormonal diseases). After that the doctor recommends a concrete preparation. And it is not obligatory, what is it will be advertised, so-called low dosed out, they not always and not approach or suit all. OK, irrespective of structure, identical side effects and complications have all. Preparations can be also in the form of an adhesive tape which each 7 days is pasted to a skin 3 times for a cycle or in the form of a ring which the woman inserts into a vagina for 21 day. It is then done or made 7 dnevnyj a break during which the menses begins.
Independent reception OK is undesirable, and sometimes risky.
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

21.09.2006, 14:50
I still was never pregnant and to address to the doctor to me very hardly... (on personal circumstances...) whether eslt which I can accept such tablets without fears?

21.09.2006, 18:51
In no event.
. Independent reception OK is undesirable, and sometimes risky.
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.