Просмотр полной версии : Again virginity?

18.09.2006, 09:34
Hello! A vein a sexual life 2 years. " First time " especial has not ended with anything. Besides has been stretched or has been dragged out on some - on slightly. Bloods-hurt or -pains were not, there were simply unpleasant sensations. Now at me other partner, with it or him there live 3 months, yesterday in position "from above", has sharply moved, became sick, I have thought, that is simple so "was sticked". But there was a blood and the second day proceeds. As not strong menses. Plus yesterday there was a burning sensation. Today it is, but it is less and if poszhimat than a muscle. What is it can be? I can the first time have not lost virginity? Gynecologists me looked before instruments...

18.09.2006, 11:00
The situation is quite probable.

18.09.2006, 14:36
I think, that you should address urgently to the gynecologist.
Very similar on a trauma of a vagina.
Hymen here hardly and.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

18.09.2006, 15:31
Feodor Nikolaevich, urgently, certainly, well. But I now pour directly... Whether the gynecologist me Will look? By the way, I accept OK. But I accept at a time, did not pass or miss. Up to the extremity or end of reception even a week with superfluous...
Now the pain is not present, the bleeding is simple.

18.09.2006, 15:48
It, certainly, abruptly, but me now smoet, is bad to me something. Here I search for you, Feodor Nikolaevich, now I shall arrive.