Просмотр полной версии : Strange allocation

11.09.2006, 20:54
Hello, the doctor. For 14 day of a cycle at me have begun krovjanistye allocation, it sometimes simply blood. Before such never was, what is it such? With what it can be connected? Very strongly mejan it has frightened, but to the gynecologist to go now I have no an opportunity, can something prompt me?
In advance thanks

13.09.2006, 18:44
Occurrence krovjanistyh vydeleny during the intermenstrual period can be an attribute of numerous disturbances: hormonal shifts, inflammatory processes in the field of a small basin, disturbance of coagulating system of a blood, after the sexual certificate or act it can be traumas of a vagina, disease shejki uteruses, uteruses, including tumours, both good-quality, and malignant, that is a cancer, etc.
For specification of the diagnosis address on reception to the doctor to the gynecologist-endocrinologist and make US for exception of a pathology of a uterus and ovaries and a colposcopy (survey under a microscope) for exception of a pathology shejki uteruses. Hormonal inspection at suspicion on endocrine diseases. Sometimes it is necessary to appoint or nominate the analysis of a blood on onkomarkyory. It is desirable to make also Gemostaziogrammu (a coagulogram - the analysis of a blood on coagulability) to exclude presence of diseases of a blood.
After that it will be possible to find the reason and to diagnose. And statement of the correct diagnosis is a mortgage of correct and successful treatment.
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.