Просмотр полной версии : Unusual sex

27.07.2006, 10:15
At me such problem. There was a sex with another the man. First two-rub or -three days after that pulled a loin and there were pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly and I felt literally, where there is a uterus. Now all has passed or has taken place, I feel well. At the partner " the big size " and sex was long. Toward the end to me it was already sick. What does it mean? About what to me to worry? Whether can be, what we do not approach or suit each other " on the size "? Though at repetition I any more did not have a pain.

27.07.2006, 11:07
Well it as interpretation of dreams:)

28.07.2006, 11:50
I so have understood, that no trouble. Then such question: after the man with " the greater or big size " muscles of my vagina will be not stretched or be not dragged out? How then will be with who has less"? My girlfriend has frightened me, that after the big size of the man begin to feel in me, as a pencil in a glass.

28.07.2006, 12:27
Be afraid to get used to "good"?:)

28.07.2006, 13:22
Yes is not present! I Know, that the partner not constant! I experience, that muscles of a vagina to be stretched or be dragged out... Please, concern to a question become serious. It for me is important. Even the nobility, will be so or not. I cannot with such questions to our gynecologists go.

05.09.2006, 04:21
Has lost a subject... It Adapts to everyone, a vagina. And that muscles tazovogo bottoms or funduses not oslabli - exercises Kegelja are developed.
Or the answer is not actual, the partner has already left?