Просмотр полной версии : The reasons of erosion????

31.08.2006, 19:18
Good afternoon! At me erosion sh. The m. of Infections is not present, traumas were not, a sexual life has begun not early (in 22), abortions and sorts or labors were not. .ostaetsja, what the reason in any hormonal failures? Whether there Is any analysis (for example, bloods), that vajavit such hormonal disbalans which reason mogda become my erosion? Thanks!

Rolling __ 4
31.08.2006, 23:51
Lena, excuse, the question simply me too interests. At me too erosion, but I just start to hand over analyses. You handed over on VNG, TSMV, a ureaplasmosis, a clamidiosis? IF yes, where (more cheaply) and you handed over by birth or only on a smear?

03.09.2006, 10:23
Erosions shejki uteruses happen different: infectious, congenital, hormonal, precancerous statuses, the Cancer shejki uteruses can look or appear too as erosion, etc. inspection Is necessary: to hand over a smear method PTSR and the analysis of a blood on ZPPP, to make a colposcopy for exception of a pathology of external genitals, vaginas and, whenever possible to specify character of erosion and for exception of infections. After that the biopsy shejki uteruses (the small slice from area of erosion for histological research (exception of cancer cells) and definition of character of erosion undertakes) is spent. After that it is possible to choose a method of treatment and volume of cauterization. To not given birth or not travailled women cauterization can be spent many methods. The most modern it: the laser, a radioknife (surgitron), UZ a knife, by means of medicines, but cauterization by a current is possible or probable also. The cryolysis (a cold - liquid nitrogen) is effective also. Probably also treatment without operation - conservative, true erosions of inflammatory character give in to such treatment. Sometimes it is possible to observe of erosion at not given birth or not travailled, but treatment, as erosion more often is recommended
Is a constant center of an inflammation in an organism.
The doctor gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.