Просмотр полной версии : Fangotherapy - yes or not?

25.08.2006, 23:45
Hello! To me 30 years, I plan pregnancy. Advice or council is necessary - the attending physician has advised muds (in the recent past, all is literally for a year has occured or happened - have put sterility or barrenness - inspection - a laparoscopy of an oothecoma - in 4 months there has come or stepped the pregnancy first in a life - stood - a currettage - inspection (is not present ZPPP and everyones-, hormones and ovaries, about a miracle, have come to norm or rate - however a placental polyp as consequence or investigation of a currettage, but itself has left during a menses). "Being arranged" on a mud, has heard from other doctor, that muds are shown only at inflammatory processes, and to me can and damage or injure;hurt. Both the doctor - people skilled or experienced and dear to that to believe - I do not know. The third opinion, please is just necessary! I Shall be very grateful for the answer.

30.08.2006, 08:38
The diagnosis and sootvetvetstvenno purpose or appointment FTL - a fangotherapy is not clear???
nevynashivaniem pregnancy any loss of pregnancy is called: the spontaneous abortion, not developing pregnancy, premature birth or births, etc.
In such cases detailed inspection is desirable.
First of all on an infection: a smear method PTSR, bacteriological crop, a blood on antibodies to so-called TORCE to INFECTIONS.
Probably at repeated losses of pregnancy detailed inspection on virus infections: a blood on antibodies and urine on a viruria.
Hormonal, immune (AFS, anti HG antibodies, etc.) inspection. A blood on lupoid anticoagulant and gemostaziogramma or a coagulogram (coagulating system of a blood).
Sometimes it is necessary to spend inspection spermogrammy and genetic inspection of pair.
More often, after detailed inspection it manages to find the reason and to appoint or nominate treatment already at a stage of preparation for pregnancy and to continue its or his all pregnancy courses in interests as mums, and a fetus.
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

30.08.2006, 19:27
Thanks for the answer. I am sorry that as I see, has muffledly described the situation.
Inspection on ZPPP, on TORCE and hormones I handed over a blood in June of this year, after a currettage. All has appeared by way of in spite of the fact that up to pregnancy Prolactinum and a hydrocortisone have been raised or increased.
If about the possible or probable reasons of misfortune - on 4-th week of pregnancy I berenesla ORVI.
At statement on the account on pregnancy (March 2006) the doctor, finding out about my sores, has diagnosed in doubt " a polycystosis of ovaries " - because of a cyst was about one year back, then revealed raised or increased Prolactinum, an irregular ovulation. There and then, on the fifth week, it has been made by US since the doctor has suspected an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis of an ovary, however it has appeared too big yellow body. On three US which have been made later, ovaries "looked or appeared" normal.
In 2 months after a currettage on US the placental polyp has been found out. In a following cycle - repeated US - the polyp any more was not, has left itself during menstr. (it is abnormal obiln.).
At last reference or manipulation to the doctor treatment of a thrush has been appointed or nominated (she at me often happened) - Mikosist and gino-NoaO??, and muds are recommended.
I hope, that repeated loss all the same does not happen and that after these explanations it will be possible to understand, whether this fangotherapy or not though I understand that it is difficult to do or make conclusions in absentia is necessary all the same to me. It is hard to me to address with this problem internally. I am afraid, that "real" doctors will morbidly concern to the request to state judgement concerning purpose or appointment of treatment by other doctor. And it is very important to me to know, that it is better for my health.