Просмотр полной версии : 33 weeks

04.08.2006, 13:19
zdrasvujte. I address to you for the help. At me now 33 weeks. When I was registered at me in a smear have found coccuses. Have sent to hand over a smear on a ureaplasma, a mycoplasma, chlamydias, a gonorrhea and trihomoniaz. I have handed over. Have found chlamydias and leptotris (what is it?) the doctor to me has appointed or nominated vilprofen and terzhinan. At the husband of a chlamydia have not found, but while he was not treated we are engaged sex in a condom. Today I have gone to hand over a control smear on a chlamydia. The doctor (when I have laid down in an armchair) asks, " at you that a thrush? Any whitish allocation? " I do not know what is it. If it was the thrush would find it or her at the first smears? Allocation not curdled, and a burning sensation is not present an itch. What is it can be? Whether there can be it iz-that this night we with the husband were engaged in sex or because I use spets. Gel for intmnoj hygiene, and he contains lactic acid. And if it is a thrush advise any suppositories. Thanks.