Просмотр полной версии : Herpes?

28.07.2006, 01:29
Zdrastvujte dear! Prompt how to be please. enskolko months back in consultation did or made analyses (disturbed allocation - bleach, zud-at times intolerable, sensation of dryness, reddening of sexual labiums). Analyses have shown a thrush. Herpes - negative. Week nazadanalizy have shown herpes though disturbed krovjanistye allocation one week prior to monthly (I use novaring) the doctor has registered betadin, atsiklovir, likopid, tsiproleks and pimafutsin. But the itch, dryness and reddening has started to disturb me again. novaring I use about 10 months. Also I notice that last 6 months one week prior to monthly strengthened bleach also the above-stated troubles. In fact earlier the herpes negative were. It can a thrush? On uzi put a chronic inflammation of appendages and a small uterus. Questions the following
1. Whether it is necessary to accept all the specified preparations or it is possible to manage the some people (to replace)?
2. Whether use Epigen of an intim for putting off or taking out of an itch and dryness is possible or probable?
3. What probability that the herpes are inactive, and all displays is a thrush?
Thanks in advance for the answer and perusal of my question.
Yours faithfully Elena, 24