Просмотр полной версии : Oothecoma

26.06.2006, 14:37
At me for 15-20 day of a cycle has begun nojajushchie hurt from below a stomach or belly and a loin. After US have diagnosed an oothecoma. She multichamber, diameter 6 see to Me 23 years, is not pregnant, did not give birth or travail also to abortions did not do or make. What is it can be for a kind of a cyst and if a way vilechit without an operative measure. To me have appointed or nominated Djufaston, but mnogokamernost the cyst specifies that, what is it not funktsonalnaja so to do or make?
Help or Assist, please..

26.06.2006, 17:48
To be operated.:)

27.06.2006, 00:13
Cavitary cysts not bad resolve homeopathic agents. If you live in Moscow - can approach or suit to us.

28.06.2006, 13:04
Thanks for answers.
In four days has made repeated US. mnogokamernost izchesla, the doctor has told or said, the blood and at me most likely a cyst of a yellow body what is it started to be turned off or be folded.
1) Prompt, please, what reasons can cause or call it or her in view of told or said above (it is not pregnant...).
2) And as it or her to treat except for hormonal contraceptives. And gomeotatija are you mean girudoteratiju? Whether she Is pertinent in case of a cyst of a yellow body?
3) What there is a probability of break of a cyst?

28.06.2006, 17:44
the Homeopathy to girudoterapii has no attitude or relation, peerly as is not travolecheniem or dances with bubnom.
For the lack of pregnancy a cyst of a yellow body (though, and not the fact, what is it she), certainly, not norm or rate. But also not accident. If you the cyst, instead of its or her reason while it is possible in general for nothing to do or make interests only - easier or simply to observe in hope, that she will resolve (up to 30 % of all oothecomas resolve spontaneously during 2-3 cycles). If you the reasons, vyzyvshie disturb hormonal failures or disturbance of microcirculation in an ovary with it or this it is necessary to understand since they (on how much I can judge by own experience) practically always happen infectious and to reveal their routine analyses it is possible not often. But, anyway, if it is a question of this or that form of a good-quality cyst, extreme measures like operation or almost always can be avoided a hormonetherapy.

29.06.2006, 10:28
Thanks you big.
Problem in that me just the reason more interests.
Also I live not in Moscow, and in St.-Petersburg and my doctor, similar, is going to to appoint or nominate to me hormonal contraceptives. But I from them get fat is unreal, and already half a year I do not drink, and till now I add on kg a month: (.

29.06.2006, 10:49
to you would not prevent to define or determine a level of hormones in a blood. Probably, adrenals or a pituitary body are involved in infectious process. Under such circumstances reception OK becomes even more risky business. As GZT does not eliminate or erase;remove an infecting agent and if he "will leave" ovaries will appear in any other place.
There are still any complaints by a female part (to a pain, allocation...)?

29.06.2006, 15:56
White allocation, as at inflammations. Pains in the right ovary and a back. I carrier or bearer HPV (31.) Disbioz vaginas. There is still a syndrome of the angry intestine, recently there was a pyelonephritis, congenital oksalurija (if it can concern).
Do not prompt, on which hormones it is necessary to hand over a blood?

29.06.2006, 23:21
White allocation, as at inflammations. That means, how at inflammations? At inflammations they more often yellow - with leucocytes. Except for color are important konsitsentsija (on " a milk or dairy scale ": as pahta, milk, slivki, sour cream, cottage cheese), a profuseness, a regularity (it is constant, by fits, in the certain phases of a cycle)...
Pains in the right ovary and a back. If it synchronously, that, probably, soldering.
there Is still a syndrome of the angry intestine... Well, it, probably, imaginations of your gastroenterologist. And if indeed, business serious.

recently there was a pyelonephritis, congenital oksalurija (if it can concern). In diagnostics of chronic illnesses or diseases all matters.

do not prompt, on which hormones it is necessary to hand over a blood? It is desirable LG, Progesteronum, Testosteron-Depotum, estrogens, Prolactinum. Not pomeshaejut and 17-.

03.07.2006, 14:56
Vydeelnija white, as slivki, poor or scanty, basically from the middle of a cycle and up to monthly.
Pains were poocheredi, and now posti are not present, only in a back it is a little.
And from the left party or side now something hurts, though on US there all ok.
LG is ljuteinizirovannyj a hormone? And whether it is possible to hand over analyses on gormmony if has been appointed or nominated djufaston to last days a cycle, he has detained a menses for two days, and now (03.07.06) 4-th day of a cycle?

10.07.2006, 11:08
Hello once again.
Analazy have shown that, all in norm or rate, except for Prolactinum. He has made 588 honey/l. How much or As far as I understand, it is a lot of. What to me with it or this to do or make? Than it threatens? Whether it can cause augmentation of weight? Whether causes this sterility or barrenness, etc. serious consequences?

10.07.2006, 12:28
Prolactinum is such piece which skips as will wish depending on many factors, including and emotional. To do or make a conclusion about its or his level under one analysis there is enough riskovano. OK also can deform or distort a natural hormonal background strongly. In general, whether has the importance the received result with confidence to tell or say difficultly.
In such cases it is necessary simply prosanirovat a urogenital tract. Then bleach problems with ovaries will stop also, most likely, will disappear.

10.07.2006, 14:21
Thanks, have a little calmed...:)
And what means "prosanirovat" do not prompt, if it is not complex or difficult?

10.07.2006, 15:56
It, just, also is the most complex or difficult.
It is necessary to define or determine a kind of an infection and to appoint or nominate correct treatment.
Then is more white or grow white, cysts it will not be formed more.

10.07.2006, 16:14
Sifiliks, but that is direct you as hallo-daddy.
Probably from that that you Selnik - have forgotten all correct terms.

Not an infection - and *.


10.07.2006, 16:28
do not pay attention, Nannie. It is local polorotyj rezvitsja.

10.07.2006, 16:37
Sifiliks, forgive or excuse certainly that I vstrjal in your conversation, but in fact you were mistaken!
Any polnorotovoj -about-dadd it will confirm *!


10.07.2006, 17:59
Thanks big, Filix. We shall search for the reason...