Просмотр полной версии : Pregnancy, alcohol and smoking

03.07.2006, 14:29
I do not smoke usually (only when a bittern), and I drink very seldom. We planned pregnancy, and abstained from harmful factors, but somehow nothing turned out.
Then we had in a life a wedding, which predshestovali malchishnik-, then wedding travel. We have relaxed and have made "respite". On malchishnike the husband has drunk much, and hurted or ill;sick from a hang-over very strongly. I smoked-drank or -saw all Turkey, drank a little, but every day. Also it was fated to happen so, that we have become pregnant during this period!!! Have learned or have found out about pregnancy, having returned in Moscow, on term of 5,5 weeks. Has there and then excluded alcohol and smoking. The child very desired. Now I experience, whether we can be reflected " bad behaviour " during 2 weeks prior to prospective conception and then, up to 5 nedelek, yet did not know?
Thanks. Irina.